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  1. B

    Stretching/growth during flower

    This is a first for me... This little auto flower (I have grown with these seeds before) went into flower as normal, however I want to mention now it had a little shaky start, as a seedling the cotyledon leaves seemed to have a hard time emerging but did make it in the end. Now gone into...
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    4th week of flower funny smell

    I have googled this and not come up with anything conclusive other than plant stress. After a week of very warm weather, this little auto looked to have taken it on the chin, however recently the nice smell has faded and been replaced with a chemically smell (not sure it's the exact smell of...
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    Overheated during flower

    Went away for a week and left the tent setup as airy as possible with a cheap automatic irrigation system that for the most part did it's job. I think however this plant did not have as much fan breeze on it as the others and has suffered further being quite far along the flowering stage. I...
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    What to do with plant overheated

    Went away for a week and left the tent setup as airy as possible with a cheap automatic irrigation system that for the most part did it's job. I think however this plant did not have as much fan breeze on it as the others and has suffered further being quite far along the flowering stage. I...
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    What are these?

    Found these on a few stems of my auto (week 9-10 approx of flower) Would I be right in saying she's developed seed sacks in the attempt of survival at the end of her life cycle?
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    Testing buds early

    I have a pineapple express that has around a week, maybe 2 weeks left from what I can guess before the chop. Now I'm due to go away for a week, 2 weeks from now so my first question is: Could I chop a branch early to dry and begin curing so I have something to take with me (thinking lower down...
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    How far along do you think this auto is?

    3 and a half weeks into flower, not much change for the last week, buds have fattened up very slightly but not as much change as I have seen up until now. Leaves have been slowly yellowing here and there since flowering started just tomadd but does not appear to have caused touch issue.
  8. B

    Is there a problem here during flower?

    Quick question, this pineapple express auto is approx 2 or so weeks into flower. I have noticed the last week the leaves were drooping a little. I wondered if it had got used to the hot spell we had where it would drink up water, then after the last water it turned cooler so perhaps didn't drink...
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    Humidity/humidity dome question

    I know there are alot of debates weather you need domes for seeds etc. But I have had good success germinating seeds with the use of a dome made from a empty 2l bottle. My question is, my RH in tent is between 35-40% at best and that's with a few shallow water bowls in there. I've not had great...
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    What's going on this time??

    So after a failed attempt I started again, germinated fine in jiffy pellet etc. Put that into a small pot with b&q Verve multi purpose compost as the all mix I used before was way to hot for seedlings and was one of the reasons they didn't make it. Temps are constant in day at 27 with around...
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    How important are heat cycles?

    Using a LED light, I'm supplementing heat with a electric heater to keep temps stable. My question is should I still mimic heat cycles i.e. lower temps when lights are off? Or does it make any difference if I keep the temps between 26/27° 24/7?
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    Mixing led lights

    I started out with a cheap setup kit from Amazon, but after doing more research found that perhaps the unbranded 300w led blurple light would not be sufficient for decent veg or flowering, so I bought a sf1000. Question is can I use both lights simultaneously to increase my light inside the...
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    Should I give up?

    After my previous post of asking what was wrong with my plants I'm thinking of starting over. This is about a month old believe it or not, had a shakey start in jiffy tab that dried out as I had been warned about being careful with water and I followed guides which didn't work well for me...
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    Newbie with question on seedlings

    Hi everyone, been reading loads of posts on here and other forums for the last month or two leading up to me starting my first grow. Have had a few problems but it's a learning curve, however one problem I am facing at the moment I am hoping to get some help with from those more experienced! I...