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  1. AlannaMarijuana

    How much can I get for her if I sell her?

    Hey, I was considering selling my crop ( I really need money) and one of my friends suggested selling her. So I asked how much he thought I could get for her and he said $300.00 . She is only 10 inches heigh and 9 weeks old. I am beginning to flower her too. But would it be worth it to just...
  2. AlannaMarijuana

    Should I cut the older leaves?

    its my first grow so i wasnt sure if it would be ok to cut the bigger ,older leaves. I am growing to smoke
  3. AlannaMarijuana

    Should I cut the older leaves?

    :leaf: I got a plant that has the older, bigger leaves shading the small and young leaves underneath them. Should I cut them off to let the light get to them easier?
  4. AlannaMarijuana

    What about Ex?

    No there isnt, I dont see even ONE topic about ex......
  5. AlannaMarijuana

    What about Ex?

    Have you ever tried Extasy? I want to try it but I have heard some bad things about it like, it makes you extremely thirsty and you can easily dehydrate yourself ect. What should I expect when I take it? I also realize that there are different base's like "Meth based" or "Acid Based". Which...
  6. AlannaMarijuana

    Is she ready for flowering??

    do I need to wait for her "hairs" to turn amber color before I flower her though?
  7. AlannaMarijuana

    Is she ready for flowering??

    Oh i see, ok well thanks for replying to my thread. How many grams are in an ounce again??
  8. AlannaMarijuana

    Is she ready for flowering??

    Ok but considering she is only 7 inches high, would she even make much to even be worth flowering her now? Or do you thnk I should just wait? If wait, how long do you recommend?
  9. AlannaMarijuana

    Is she ready for flowering??

    Hey guys, My little girl was planted 12/31/08 and its now 2/1/08 which makes her 33 days old (a month and 3 days) . She is already getting her little milky white hairs, does this mean it time for me to flower her when they turn to an amberish color? I only ask becuz im not sure if its too...
  10. AlannaMarijuana

    Newb needs help, is my plant too small for its age?

    Hey guys, Im new to growing weed and I just wanted to know if you think its a wee bit small for its age. Ive been growing since Dec.31st 08 and its now Jan 20th. My plant is only 3.5 inches high :leaf:. The breed (i guess you could call it that) is L.A. Candy and I got it out of one of the buds...
  11. AlannaMarijuana

    Women issues! :(

    Yes hun, as a woman I do understand the feeling of wanting someone I love to get back with me and they never did but what they did do, was bullshit around and in the long run I was even more hurt that they didnt just tell me all of it up front. So my point is, you should tell her how you feel...
  12. AlannaMarijuana

    Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP

    Hey guys Im new to growing weed and to using this site. Ok, so my problem is I am still living with my parents. One smokes pot the other doesn't and doesn't know about the other smoking. I have a little set up in my room in my closet behind thin curtains. And one day while I was at work my...