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  1. S

    Pre flowering

    Had a question tho, what resources can i got to find about hardcore research on different strains.
  2. S

    Pre flowering

    I ended up giving them away. Its illegal to grow out side in Sacramento
  3. S

    Pre flowering

    Riight i had no clue either
  4. S

    Pre flowering

    Thanks guys
  5. S

    Pre flowering

    Also if i bought like normal clones is 21 days enough to get them ready by the summer solstice on june 20??
  6. S

    Pre flowering

    So i have another questions for you guys, so i looked on dark heart nursery and they said unless i read it wrong that there clones are autoflowering?? Idk what that means but it scared the crap out of me because it mention that they would only grow 18 inches which they are now and im pretty sure...
  7. S

    Pre flowering

    You guys are awesome thank you so much. I was getting a lil depressed when i saw what was happening . Thanks again.
  8. S

    Pre flowering

    Hello, I had some general questions about my plants. Being much north California I had never came across this issue. It might have been that I put them out side to early. So I was wondering if there’s a possibility to bring the back to veg?? A couple of my friends said that since now we are...
  9. S

    Read This First!

    Ruff, it happens. I learn from seeing this situation for myself not to let my plants get to that point again. For me to much nutrients and it ended up looking like death the nearby plants got effectived immediately and show signs of harsh burn on the water leaves. A similar situation too a guy...
  10. S

    Christmas light growing???

    Ruff, im in the same boat. However my plants are out side. My roomates has a cannapi that is lit up by xmas lights. When the light hits the smart pot its kinda dim. So my question is how far at night can a plant be from light sources other then the moon.
  11. S

    Signs of underwatering

    How big is that pot?? Because i never seen or done a plant in a pot that big. I was taught from that approach putting them in bigger pots off rip causes stress. If you dont mind me asking it was just the spraying of water you do. If can switch to something much smaller because for that to work...