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  1. MrZoot420


    ill do exactly that i do have boveda packs 62% was planing on putting them in after a week as that was recomended
  2. MrZoot420


    ill do exactly that i do have boveda packs 62% was planing on putting them in after a week as that was recomended
  3. MrZoot420


    so ive been stuggling to keep temp down whilst drying its on its 3rd day hanging as branches managed to keep rh between 50/60% temp has been between 19/22c bud are crispy to touch but stalks are still bend should i leave another day or 2 and risk buds getting too dry or start the cure?
  4. MrZoot420

    is it possible to switch the time of my light cycle?

    so my garden is gettin to hot during the day im about 3 weeks from harvest my lsd autos and struggling to keep my temp below 27c and due a heatwave of 34c this week so im in a panic with no funds to by a air cooler my light cycly is 18-6 lights go off at 4am -10am could i switch it sudenly to...
  5. MrZoot420

    Blue Lab or Apera?

    so in short i can either get a Bluelab CF/EC/PPM Truncheon V2 and a Truncheon pH Meter or for same price a Apera Instruments PC60 Premium pH/EC/TDS/Salinity, whats the better option someone must have had experaice with both products? please help :) sorry if this thread is in wrong place
  6. MrZoot420

    HortiBloom LED Grow Bar Light with Osram leds

    ive been running a 24cycle on my autofloweres im about 2weeks into flower would i be able to switch to a 18-6 or a 20-4 cycle without stressing the plant as im satrting to regret the 24hr cycle due to recent information and worry that im doing more harm than good lol
  7. MrZoot420

    tap water (hard water) or bottled spring water?

    im using soil and only 3 plants atm
  8. MrZoot420

    tap water (hard water) or bottled spring water?

    so my water is around 280ppm what i be better off getting bottled spring water a gallon is only £1
  9. MrZoot420

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    woke up this morning to realize some something is wrong with a few leafs on 1 on my plants i need help to identify the problem and solve it asap. ill start by describing my setup, im using basic potting soil under 2x viparspectra tc600 in a 120/120 space using foxfarm nuts, temp is between...
  10. MrZoot420


  11. MrZoot420


    woke up this morning to realize some something is wrong with a few leafs on 1 on my plants i need help to identify the problem and solve it asap. ill start by describing my setup, im using basic potting soil under 2x viparspectra tc600 in a 120/120 space using foxfarm nuts, temp is between...
  12. MrZoot420

    lst advice

    oh its a differant plant the 1 that snapped is recovering nicely basicaly looks like it was topped by a donkey buts ill still get a yield im sure haha
  13. MrZoot420

    lst advice

    whe the two others catch up it fill the net nets only 80/80cm but what i realy need to no is can i take my original ties off?
  14. MrZoot420

    lst advice

    i cant take pics buts its not very big its spread out about a 12inch/12inch and 7 inch tall. what do you meen fill a screen lol
  15. MrZoot420

    lst advice

    now i have the plant nice and spaced out it starting to flower can i take of the ties as if now put a net over top
  16. MrZoot420

    fungas gnats sand?

    what types of sans is best and what to avoid
  17. MrZoot420

    have i got it right before i order??

    i need 400cfm to be drawn out that was best i could find as i also need it quite
  18. MrZoot420

    have i got it right before i order??

    lol and the fan hahha im in uk
  19. MrZoot420

    have i got it right before i order??

    do know of another option for filter as the 1 you sent cant be delivered to my location
  20. MrZoot420

    have i got it right before i order?? with