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  1. S

    Newly transplanted (drooping) need help!!

    Today: how do they look?
  2. S

    Beginner in need of advice/help

    I’m questioning if I drained the cubes enough
  3. S

    Honestly just wanted some advice! I think it’s shock but I’m new at growing

    Honestly just wanted some advice! I think it’s shock but I’m new at growing
  4. S

    Beginner in need of advice/help

    Posted above, I think it’s just shock. But still super worried
  5. S

    Newly transplanted into rock wool 6x6s drooping leaves. Over watering? Under watering ? Shock?

    Transplanted purple punch and 24k gold into the rock wool 6x6 cubes and today they seem to be drooping. Watered twice with clone x solution also put some clone x rooting gel on plug before putting into 6x6. Help!
  6. S

    Beginner in need of advice/help

    Transplanted this purple punch and 24k gold yesterday and it has some drooping. Is this over water, under water or just shock from transplant
  7. S

    Newly transplanted (drooping) need help!!

    Transplanted yesterday. I’m thinking transplant shock or watering issue ? Please SOS