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  1. J

    Help please

    Idk what I'm doing wrong is this from to much water or to less water plz help
  2. J

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Cuz my plan look like it's being overwatered I water everyday but now I'm going to change it to every other day but I'm not too sure I don't know if I'm giving it to less water or too much someone can help me please today I let the top layer dry out but when I barely scrape it it's still moist
  3. J

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Could someone help me I don't know if I'm over-watering my plants or if I'm giving them to less water yesterday I water them today I did not water because they were wet earlier in the afternoon today they got dry on the top layer but when I scrape it I could still see that it's moist underneath...
  4. J

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Could someone help I don't know if I'm over-watering my plants or if I'm giving them to less water yesterday I watered today I did not water the top layer of the soil got dry when I barely scrape it it's still moist
  5. J

    Read This First!

    Does my plant look like it's being overwatered I watered yesterday today I did not water the top layer got dry I barely scraping and it's still moist
  6. J

    The Daily Nugg,

    How deep should I check to see if the soil is wet today I did not water the top layer of the soil is dry but when I barely scrape it I could see that it's still moist
  7. J

    The Daily Nugg,

    if someone could please tell me I'm worried that I'm not watering enough
  8. J

    The Daily Nugg,

  9. J

    The Daily Nugg,

    Could someone help me and tell me does my plant look like it's being overwatered