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  1. D

    Less expensive substitute for perlite?

    Bumped It’s highly depended on your geographic region (and inflation since this is like 12 years old
  2. D

    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    Most likely Big Bud is hiding something type of PGR Giberellin blocker IN IT since most of them are only needed in concentrations as low as 3-5 ppm to be effective, and there’s many unknown analogue versions, it would be hard to detect!
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    Bud Blood / MoaB VS late-stage PK boosters?

    The reason high P works so well for so many ppl is because the cation sites in most grow media trap 80% of your P input, making it unavailable to the plant! If you use some kind of myco/microbe innoculant or a fert that includes it, then your needs for P go way down since the microbes and myco...
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    Milk and Coke?

    Ppl think they know when they don’t know shit! Coke must be highly diluted but it does contain phosphoric acid (a common fertilizer) and also sugars (potassium) so it really is a bloom booster all on its own (and probably a lot less toxic than many nutrient sludges on the market) milk not only...
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    Breeding with Ditch Weed

    Super old thread, but you can’t just “get rid of ditch weed” these are either wild or leftover from the old time hemp farms (back when it was legal before it was illegal and then legal again) and thus has turned into a mostly wild strain by now... anyways, those wild strains thrive by producing...