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  1. H

    Lighting Controller for Sanlights

    LED fam, Does anyone know of a controller that works with the Sanlight Q series? Sunrise/sunset , auto dim at X, auto cuttoff at Y, and preferably will control fans as well. It can be a unit or an app/software. It seems like just about every lighting manufacturer out there has one apart...
  2. H

    Water based climate control

    Hey, has anyone used one of the water cooled climate control units. Basically an air conditioning / heating / dehumidifier / filter unit all in one, but it doesn't need an external part, just a drain. Which brands have you used? Were they any good? I'm after going fully sealed but I don't want...
  3. H

    What's the hype with autos?

    I've never touched them, I don't like growing from seed. Can someone please explain why autos seem to be so popular these days? I get that it will be faster than a normal photoperiod if you grow from seed, but flowering clones has got to be better surely? I've got a couple on promo and I might...
  4. H

    HID's are dead. Long live LED's

    So I ponied up the cash and started using LED's this year. So far I've had a couple of successful cycles but I decided to start documenting it from now... so, this journal will be back to font as were starting from flower here and when I clone for the next one I'll show that process as I go...