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  1. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Na I totally agree with you your 100% right, that was also the plan as I’m waiting for true femizied seeds too arrive with my lights so this was just a run with some random seeds I was given. All along I thought they were males so for you telling me that’s indeed a female is any bonus to me even...
  2. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    That does somewhat look how it’s growing too, have never ever seen a strain which bud forms like that though, very interesting. If this is the case it would explain why I thought the plant was male with it growing so strangely for me
  3. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Have no clue what strain as I was given 2 random seeds from a friend, just have never really seen females grow like this before. Therefor I’ve always done outdoor grows and this is my first indoor grow. Have disrupted the light schedule once to move plants for a couple days and I think that’s...
  4. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Thank you for this information has brought my spirits back to life knowing I have 2 females now ahahaha, unfortunately you are right about the light intensity as I only have very poor lights at the moment due to waiting for more. Once they arrive and I’m able to give the plants the conditions...
  5. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Here’s another
  6. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Some more photos of my second one
  7. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Thank you all for that, I have my other plant here aswell that I’m almost certain is a male with how it’s growing and whats forming on the plant. Can anyone give me a definite answer as yet again I’m still not 100% sure
  8. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Can you give any explanation for the brown hairs coming out of those balls on the main steam? That’s whats making me think male and the way that the flowers seem to be growing. Happy as if it does indeed turn out to be a female, just never seen one grow like this before
  9. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Then at the top of the plant it looks as if some balls are forming off the bud itself, I really just have no clue. Hope this helps someone show me in the right direction of what I have
  10. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Hard to see but it seems there are balls forming on the main steam where the side branches come off, really confused as it looks female then again the way it’s growing and loooking just doesn’t seem right
  11. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Only have the one plant in this space now due to realising it growing like this, there’s not many balls I can see as in the photos. If i pull these off will I be Allgood or is it too far from saving? Cheers
  12. T

    Hermaphrodite what to do?

    Just been advised that my plant is a hermaphrodite as it’s growing both female and male details. Is there any bud outcome with hermaphrodites or any suggestions? Or is it rubbish now, indoor grow by the way. Thanks
  13. T

    Male or female?

    Was thinking this aswell because of the nodes forming on the main stem, is there any thing I can do? Or is it rubbish now?
  14. T

    Male or female?

    Yes that’s exactly what’s confusing me aswell, Was doing great until I disrupted the lights and now every thing has gone down hill which I understand but is there anyway to save it? Have only ever growed outdoor this is my first time at indoor
  15. T

    Male or female?

    Hey there here are some better photos I hope this helps identify it in a better way. Yes it is a indoor grow and I did have to disrupt the lighting stages as I had a house inspection and had to have them away In inconsistent light schedules as it previously had. That was a couple weeks ago now...
  16. T

    Male or female?

    Hey there I’m also puzzled as to if my plants male or female, can anyone help me out? Cheers