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  1. C

    I need your help, Understanding energy impacts of cultivation.

    Hi Everyone, I'm a grad student finishing my master's degree. My final project is focused on understanding the impacts of small scall marijuana cultivation and energy efficiency policy. I'm hoping to understand your perspective to better assess policy approaches. Hopefully you'll take a few...
  2. C

    Please Help, Studying small scale cultivation and energy impacts your response will help!

    nope, it's just a survey, simply trying to quantify peoples perspectives. Nope, just a grad student working on a capstone. Pot is legal where I live (Massachusetts) so not sure what a cop would be doing trolling this question
  3. C

    Please Help, Studying small scale cultivation and energy impacts your response will help!

    Hey There, I'm finishing my Master's and my final project involves attempting to understand/address the energy impacts of small-scale pot production as well as openness to implementing policies that would help to address this. If you cultivate on a smaller scale please consider taking a few...