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  1. J

    Tattoo contest (bud shos only) post your tattoo pics to

    What the hell is wronge with you all, i mean its one thing to like marijuana and enjoy it but getting a tattoo of it is kinda silly. I just hope when you are older and have kids and a family and shit that you have a good story to go with those tats.
  2. J

    New to Aerogarden

    Im new to this site and just wanna say thank you to all of you guys, reading about how much you all help eachother out really makes me feel confident enough to grow my own plants. Ill have questions when everything is set up. Thanks agains and sorry about the dying children H2O
  3. J

    Am i almost done?

    Well im basically jealouse as a mofo, Cant grow weed no more cause i have a wife and kid now but Nice job and Wish you all the best of growing. Take a couple whiffs for the people that cant do what you all are doin.
  4. J

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    Order from kinda pricey but a good selection and good quality