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  1. ryancaldwellzcxh42@gmail.

    Picking up interesting things

    Octopus dab containers great quality and just very cool looking. Perfect for badders and sugars.
  2. ryancaldwellzcxh42@gmail.

    Some people have used the 6.5-inch Ares small vaporizer electric dab rig, it seems to be able to carry everywhere, I wonder if it is worth the investm

    Some people have used the 6.5-inch Ares small vaporizer electric dab rig, it seems to be able to carry everywhere, I wonder if it is worth the investment as a travel bag
  3. ryancaldwellzcxh42@gmail.

    Calling all bong smokers and glass conniseurs

    Getting a new oil rig in the next couple days and I have narrowed it down to 2 choices. This thing is dope and I have heard nothing but awesome things , plus it comes with a quartz nail and dome already. But then I saw this guy for the same price... Bent Inline Tree Perc to 13 arm tree perc...