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  1. F

    My experience with powdery mildew

    Have you looked into silica in the root zone? I read an article about silica in the root zone preventing p.m. something worth looking into. I also had a bout with p.m this year so I'm looking into this for next year.
  2. F

    2022 outdoor finished

    I also started indoor growing shortly after I lost the last crop. I'll start a thread for that eventually. Been going ok for the 10 months or so I've been doing it. Some quick shots Just some random photos. I think these were strawberry cough from ilgm. Again, my photos are so disorganized...
  3. F

    2022 outdoor finished

    And the gdp. Hard to navigate my photos in my phone. I'll have to create folders for the entire grow for next time
  4. F

    2022 outdoor finished

    Sup guys. Kinda disappeared last summer. (2021) my outdoor plants died from root rot after over watering and then getting hit with rain for a week, and I kinda gave up. But we made it to harvest this year, barely. Won't bore you with too many details. -gdp from ilgm -big bud from ilgm -organic...
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    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    Me to my girlfriend: "I'm moving out. We still go together, but im getting my own place".
  6. F

    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    4 growing at your girlfriends house. Now you're thinking.
  7. F

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    Hell yea
  8. F

    FinnWinn's 2021 organic outdoor grow. VA southeast

    State of the art security system...
  9. F

    FinnWinn's 2021 organic outdoor grow. VA southeast

    Had to trim some tops yesterday. Didn't want to do it this late, but the plants were already approaching 8ft. Have to keep them under 8ft so they can't be seen from the street. One of the silly laws the state has put in place. I'm sure the girls will be fine, I just hope I didn't delay...
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    FinnWinn's 2021 organic outdoor grow. VA southeast

    Here's some pics of last year's attempt at an outdoor scrog. Chopped a few weeks earlier than I planned due to finding bud rot in two buds. 4x4 square.
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    Lets See Your Outside Plants

  12. F

    FinnWinn's 2021 organic outdoor grow. VA southeast

    I'm documenting this grow on another websites forum as well so you may see this twice. Hello everyone! My name is Finn and this is my 2021 organic outdoor grow in southeast VA. Summertime here is a bit "tropical". Temperatures in the upper 90's with 70%+ humidity is not uncommon during peak...
  13. F

    Almost ready?

    @ShotoMain .... shotomain? You play ryu, bro? :)
  14. F

    Almost ready?

    Thank you so much for showing a perfect example of a mature plant! See too many early harvests from people, myself included. So important to let them finish. Not just about yield either. A lot of flavors and aromas develop at the end.
  15. F

    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    Pet bats? In 2021? Thug life! Bats are awesome though. I kinda want some now. How do you get bats? Oh I get it. I'm an idiot. The bats are local. Still cool
  16. F

    Quick pics. New here. Novice-ish VA outdoor grower...

    @Jjgrow420 cool thanks man. These plants were never supposed to get this big. Totally surprised me. I genuinely didn't think they'd be half that size. Kinda stuck with the 3x3 footprint this time. Definitely plan in thinning out before they flower. This grow got out of hand and I'm just rolling...
  17. F

    Outdoors in SE Virginia

    @Retired engineer hell yea man, looking awesome!
  18. F

    Lets See Your Outside Plants

    Hell yea! Very nice. I'd be happy with that!