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  1. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    Yeah ill get some pictures tonight, I have read several books and there isn't a sack to be found, but tonight I'll try and get some pictures.
  2. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    Ok cool, The clone that I turned into flowering didn't have any female pistols just seed sacks everywhere, but it looked like it was growing the buds, but yet that looked like a bud full of seeds.
  3. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    Why does it have female preflowers and no male preflowers then? Is this possiable?
  4. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    I did it in a seperate box, but it is in the same area. Different light color, but both CFLS. Not sure if the humid and temp was the same, but it changes all the time for the mother plant.
  5. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    That was the only clone I have tried. I have 3 clones in a cup of water waiting for them to show roots. Which leads me to my next questions, could the clone stressed itself into a hermy?
  6. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    The plant is about 3 or 4 feet high been growing it for quite some time, was some bag seed, but a pretty good quaility. It has shown quite a few V pistols and 0 sacks, which makes me surprized that the clone turned into a hermie. Mother...
  7. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    So this means my mother plant is a hermy? Does that mean I should get rid of this mother plant? Are hermys any good to keep? Could the clone have just been stressed and turned into a hermy? My mother has no sign of balls, just the little V pistols.
  8. CaptainCanabis

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    I will upload pictures when I get a chance but I was wondering has anyone ever heard of this? I have a strong healthly mother plant, that I recently took a clone from and introduced to a 12/12 cycle. Everything seemed fine and then it started to grow the sacks, cluster sacks, sack here sack...
  9. CaptainCanabis

    Best way to maintain a mother plant?

    I have been cutting the clones pretty much right off the main stalk. No new clones have yet to sprout from the previous cuts. What do I do when my mother plants roots have engulfed the pot? Right now I am starting to see roots coming out of the bottom drainage holes, is this a problem? Should I...
  10. CaptainCanabis

    Best way to maintain a mother plant?

    Using CFLs 6 up top 2 to the side.
  11. CaptainCanabis

    Best way to maintain a mother plant?

    I have been growing this mother plant for quite a few months now and I am looking for some feedback on it. I have been trying to clone and doing some experiments so far I have had one clone root and I am trying the clone in water technique now. Any suggestions to cause more branches or to...
  12. CaptainCanabis

    My Plants dieing out

    Damn wish I would of read this sooner, I woke up and the leafs were droppy touching the soil so I watered more which probably didn't help. I'll turn on the fan and let them perk, hopefully they will soon!
  13. CaptainCanabis

    My Plants dieing out

    Sounds good rollingjoints, hopefully the problem will be resolved with this flush. Stoney I have another question(or anyone else there for that matter). I have a mother plant that is quite healthy and looks awesome, but I have noticed on the higher leafs and the top of the plant the very tip of...
  14. CaptainCanabis

    My Plants dieing out

    Well I found the verdict, I used mosser lees soil testing kit and ran a test for nitrogen. And the levels are extremly high! This is probably what is causing the problem with all the leafs and what not. Since the levels of nitrogen are so high is it still possiable of a MG deficiencies?
  15. CaptainCanabis

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    Well damn that is unreal! Seems like a way better idea then to grow in soil, i'm going to give it a go!
  16. CaptainCanabis

    tap water sucks, what kinda of bottled water do i buy

    Sounds good what is the ph normally of this tap water? Might try this out soon once I buy a ph tester.
  17. CaptainCanabis

    tap water sucks, what kinda of bottled water do i buy

    I have been using distilled water and it seems to work just fine for me. Your telling me I am better off filling a bucket of water and letting it sit out and use that instead? If the water sits there too long wont it get staganet?
  18. CaptainCanabis

    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    So your telling me I can grow plants in 100% perlite? This is amazing
  19. CaptainCanabis

    My Plants dieing out

    First off great post, you sound like a expert to me! I water whenever the plant needs it. It is in a 1 gallon Pot I feed it every other or 2 waterings. I'll give it a ph soil test in the morning, I am using distilled water and the p.h of that is 7. Maybe ph could be the problem. If that...