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  1. William99

    Orange peel for crunchy dried buds?

    Any input is greatly appriciated. Thanks.
  2. William99

    Orange peel for crunchy dried buds?

    So I dried my crop and am currently curing it in air tight glass. The buds have gotten a little better but still seem very dry and brittle. I understand that curing will bring the moisture level back up, and it seems to have a little. But what is everyones take on putting an orange peel (or...
  3. William99

    Salvia is completely insane.

    I loved it. I will do it again. If you just understand that you are going to be taken some where that you will have little control over, and go with it. The second you try to fight it, it becomes a bad trip. Just float with the wind, go where ever it takes you Have the understanding before...
  4. William99

    Dried buds are super crunchy?

    How much? And when should I introduce that into the curing?
  5. William99

    boveda humidipak and curing?

    I have one of these Humidipaks and I was wondering if I could put it in the glass jar with the curing buds. 72% does seem a bit high, but what if it was only for a short period of time, like between burpings?
  6. William99

    Dried buds are super crunchy?

    A piece of the fruit itself or of the peel?
  7. William99

    Dried buds are super crunchy?

    So it sounds like I shouldnt sweat it to much just yet, right? They have been in the glass jars for 2 days now (burping as I should) and I have already noticed a tremendous change in the smell. It smells more fruity / dank like it should, so that is encouraging. But you say the curing will...
  8. William99

    Dried buds are super crunchy?

    Got a newbie question here..... I harvested my plant and it dried for about 5 days......when they were dry they became super brittle or crispy. Is that normal or did I over dry them? I dried them until most of the stems snapped, but it seems as if they are over dry. Is that normal? And is...
  9. William99

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer? whatcha think? Any lingering midgets trying to hitch a ride?
  10. William99

    How much will I yield?

    a oz wouldnt be too bad i guess. I would just hate to put all i have into the grow and only get 16 or 17 grams
  11. William99

    How much will I yield?

    lol. Thanks
  12. William99

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    Same here.... except I felt like I had midgets hanging on each arm
  13. William99

    Anyone have/used a Volcano Vaporizer?

    I love love love the volcano. You taste the plant better, the vapor is cool and not hot like in a pipe. Best Medical MJ investment ever.
  14. William99

    How much will I yield?

    So you are saying that if I harvested 49 grams I can only expect about 12 grams when its all said and done? :-(
  15. William99

    How much will I yield?

    So, the norm is about half? (give or take a small percentage)
  16. William99

    How much will I yield?

    First time grower here......I just harvested my first plant last night and I ended up with 49 grams. (which I thought wasnt bad since it was such a small plant) I was just wanted to see if some of you pro's could tell me how much I could expect to have once its dry. Thanks.
  17. William99

    What plants were used to make ak47?

    Sativa 65 / Indica 35 Origins - Columbian, Mexican, Thai & Afghani
  18. William99

    Need help; Small spot (PICS)

    Yeah thats what I think too....but my knowledge is so limited. But like I said I only used nutes once about 2 weeks ago and I have since flushed it. I just dont know what to do now. Its so close to harvest, I am bummed.
  19. William99

    Need help; Small spot (PICS) has. I turned on the lights today and when I opened the doors to take a look I notices entire leaves yellowing pretty badly and most lower leaves drooping pretty badly. Any ideas? Anyone????
  20. William99

    Need help; Small spot (PICS)

    Nope. Its in a cabinet (in a closet) with lights an a fan.