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  1. craggin

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    Fantastic use of your loupe I imagine! Never even thought of that. I'll say it again - most excellent ninja skills!
  2. craggin

    Cloudline AI-CLS6 (S6) PWM control with RPI

    I'm humbled by your ninja skills, my good sir. I tried to accomplish this same thing, but was unable to determine the sensor type and/or mfgr. I even called AC Infinity and inquired about getting a datasheet for it, they said "sure!", but then never actually provide one. I ended up going with...
  3. craggin

    K2 / Spice / Kratom / Salvia ( why ? )

    Old thread, I know. But, I got a bunch of trip reports from over the years, and I didn't see any others telling one of their "trip memories". Like many of us, I first used LSD & shrooms as a teen. Stopped because marriage & kids. Then my bro turned me on to Salvia when it was still legal. The...
  4. craggin

    DMT in vapejuice

    Yep, just bad taste, no action. Waste of time & money. Thankfully, it was only my time and someone else's $$$.
  5. craggin

    A Scare Story About Tripping

    Haha! I have a copy of both PIHKAL & TIHKAL. Hard, but essential reads if you're serious about psychedelics. The documentary about him is worthy too.
  6. craggin

    Who else makes psychedelic candy?

    I found a chocolate & lime recipe a while back, and they tasted great. Problem was you needed to eat 4-5 of them just to get a slight buzz, so I definitely didn't get the ratio right. Once tried a hot chocolate tea using Ceremonial Cacao, Lions Mane, Oolong tea, and ground shrooms that was...
  7. craggin

    Thoughts on using unground flower for cannabutter?

    This is great thread. Never thought about using a Sous Vide! Like @cindysid, I just spread it all out on cookie sheets & into the oven for decarb. I stopped grinding my trim & popcorn a while back. Like others have already said, less green, less objectionable taste/smell, and easily able to get...
  8. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    Yes. My suspicion arose from the fact one is over 20 years old, the other is a little less than 2. I must add, the 20+ year old did not see any use until put into service about 2.5 years ago.
  9. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    I don't have a good accurate meter, other than an Android app, which I understand them to not be very accurate. But, I took measurements as best I could given current circumstances, and both seemed to be pretty much the same. Both par/ppfd and the K temp. Maybe, this pattern is not really...
  10. craggin

    Greetings from Mile High City!

    I found this forum looking for answers to a topic, joined up so I could post/see full size pics, etc. But, in my haste I never took the time to fully explore the site before diving right in. Should've come here first, but oh well... Originally from TX, been in CO for about 3 years now. I first...
  11. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    That would be due my lack of awareness, not that I believed it. When I first started growing 40+ years ago, none of the current understanding of cannabis and modern growing techniques that have been perfected since existed yet. I just started growing again about 2 years ago, and I have a lot of...
  12. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    Interesting, but I'm not sure I understand why.
  13. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    The bulbs are not that old, but possibly reaching replacement age. I'll try to dig up the receipt so I can confirm. The reflectors are slightly different, but I was under an impression of not being different enough to matter. Maybe it does more so than I thought.
  14. craggin

    Issues around stretch, stacking, and density with 600W HPS lights.

    I've been noticing a pattern from my last 4-5 grows around stretch, stacking, & bud density based on lighting characteristics. I'm using ( 2 ) 600W HPS, but think the concepts still apply regardless of the type of lighting. Of the two lights, one is much older than the other, yet the bulbs in...
  15. craggin

    What Are You Listening To?

  16. craggin

    What Are You Listening To?

    This is just good 'ol classic rock covered by a really cool modern band. This. I discovered while tripping. Holy.F'ng.Shit.
  17. craggin

    Tent or Closet DIY?

    I live in a dry climate, especially in the winter, which is my growing season for that and other reasons. I vent into the crawl space, as my closet is in the basement, and we don't have much of an attic anyway. The extra humidity helps bring our home to a better range for humans - and my...
  18. craggin

    Tent or Closet DIY?

    My current grow closet isn't really an actual closet, rather it's a small area of unfinished basement originally intended for storage. Instead of adding sheetrock & floating/painting, I opted for the plastic light-block tarps you can get at just about any local grower's supply shop. I then...
  19. craggin

    Good 'Ol Nostalgia

    Haha! Yep, I tried the same HPS too. Total height of it - minus the ceiling heat clearance requirement, minus the height of my Igloo, minus the safe distance to canopy top, meant I only had about 2ft max plant height. Went back to fluorescent until I had to quit for the kiddos. Good times!
  20. craggin

    What is a Thai Stick?

    I guess growing up in TX, we had lower prices due to proximity from the border. The price for a "4-finger lid", as we called it, was $10, and the good stuff like you mentioned was $20. Man, those names! Colombian Redbud, Acapulco Gold, Oaxacan, La Michoacán, Hawaiian Gold, etc. brings back many...