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  1. A

    my plant is too bushy

    Well I think they are looking good so far. I just put my plants into flower on Friday of last week and they have already doubled in size. Just keep them healthy and happy and trust me they will grow huge later. Also, in a few months let me know how that ice turns out. I was eyeing that...
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    my plant is too bushy

    Smoke, It could just be the strain of plant you have. The plant looks pretty healthy so I wouldnt worry too much about it. It will grow enormous once you go into flowering stage. My plants looked the exact same way when they were young and ended up hitting quite a spurt later. I think as...
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    Dying leaves

    Thanks to you all, I am going to work on getting the heat taken care of and let you all know how it does. While I am at it, any suggestions on good, cheap vegging nutes? I am trying to conserve cash. Thanks again!!
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    Thanks Danielle, I am going to see if I can get the room cooled down a bit. I will probably...

    Thanks Danielle, I am going to see if I can get the room cooled down a bit. I will probably start leaving the window to that room open so that it cools down in there.
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    Dying leaves

    Thanks for all your posts, greatly appreciated!! Phelps, I have a PH meter and will measure my runoff next time I water. What should I be looking for?? Is there a way to test my tap water to check the calcium content?? Danielle, It is quite warm in the enclosure I am using and I was...
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    Dying leaves

    Greetings all, I am a first time grower that has been inspired after reading through these forums for the past few months. I started a grow about 3 weeks ago and everything was going quite well until this week. As you can see from the pictures my plants leaves are curling upwards and in and...