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  1. G

    My Hemp Seed Testimony

    I broke my leg at the ankle last year. It was a TIB/FIB break and had to be repaired with a metal plate on each side of my leg to hold the bone in place. I was left with a really nasty black and purple bruising on my left foot, leg and ankle that my surgeon said might take up to five years to...
  2. G


    My camera won't give me the kind of detail that would show you what I am talking about so I will try and describe it. I had to start my crop from seedling because of a major crop failure last year so I had no clones. I set my garden to flower on August 5 and have now pulled out what appears to...
  3. G

    Hi, Its been a while since I've visited and posted anything on this forum; so I thought I would reintroduce myself to you and start over meeting friends and fellow patients and stoners. I am from the USA and am hoping and finally working for a change in worldwide cannabis prohibition laws...
  4. G

    How do you say whats hard to say?

    I think first you have to decide if it is worth saying. A lot of things just arent worth the losses in the long run. Is the hurt you are feeling the lesser of the losses? No matter how long you build up to something, in the long run, you end blurting out whatever you have on your heart.
  5. G

    Sayings/quotes you hate

    I absolutely hate a poem my aunt taught me as a child. It goes like this: God grant me the serenity to change the things I can, the wisdom to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference between the two. I have no idea why, but I hate this poem and have hated it all...
  6. G

    Dog Eats Leaves?

    My dog eat the leaves off my plants so much, I have to keep an eye on him or he will eat the whole plant. He even likes chilling in the grow room and if I can't find him, I know just where to look. I go into the grow room and there he is usually there sleeping amongst the plants.
  7. G

    I Hurt

    Sit in a quiet place. Place you forefinger to your thumb, close your eyes and count your breaths. Focus. Try and count to 10 without losing count. If you lose your count, start over at 1 again. If a thought comes into your mind, start over at 1 again. Your ultimate goal is 100 breaths...
  8. G

    Help needed please!! Ak 47

    Sounds like you shocked it. Put the plant in a greenhouse type environment ( you can make a greenhouse from clear plastic--poke small holes in the plastic so it has air circulation--and total dark overnight to help it to recover from shock.
  9. G Scam?

    I ordered seeds from them in February of this year and have never received them. I realize there is little I can do to resolve the matter as the vendor will not respond to my emails but I hope to make others aware of him. I waited until April to send an email regarding nonreceipt. The first...