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  1. Snowgreen421

    Getting ready for this year's grow.Living in Sonoma County,when should I buy my clones and...

    Getting ready for this year's grow.Living in Sonoma County,when should I buy my clones and transition them outside?
  2. Snowgreen421

    Major issues!

  3. Snowgreen421

    Major issues!

    Sorry about that
  4. Snowgreen421

    Major issues!

    I live in Santa rosa. That makes sense. My kitchen light hits then a little every night. And now I'm struggling to get sun at all... thank you for your help
  5. Snowgreen421

    What are you smoking today?

    Michigan baby!!! Yummy tasty purple!!!
  6. Snowgreen421

    What are you smoking today?

    Mochi baby!!
  7. Snowgreen421

    Major issues!

    I bought 2 clones from Florra Terra. One runts, and one Jealousy. I transitioned them outdoors and they started budding early. They won't grow five fingers. Mostly only one. There's these little white flies. Powder mold and something else with the leaves. I'll try to attach photos
  8. Snowgreen421

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I've beem slowly harvesting mine. Found one live caterpillar and some bud rot but most of my flowers are good. Happy harvest!
  9. Snowgreen421

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    worm hunting for me in the north bay seems to be around 4 or 430pm. I sprayed with B.t. a few days ago. I pulled a little one off the outside, maybe it was dying. Plants seem to be holding on. Not getting worse anywAYS.
  10. Snowgreen421

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Yeah I found these f*ckers Iny babies just a few days ago. I sprayed with bt and now just looking for the rotting spots to tear put. So sad. My babies were looking so good until a week's one of them I pulled out yesterday after spraying with Monterey Bt.hes a bigger one. I found...
  11. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    I went to Germany for a week and came back to these guys...I knew something was wrong with my babies!!!!I feel like a horrible parent!!.my two Fresh Air strains are doing fine but I don't like the smell of them. The infested ones were like dessert!
  12. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    I found the small ones (catapillars ) everyone's talking about!!!In my best buds too. I dug them out with tweezers and sprayed last night with B.t.i have a feeling if your seeing big catapillars on your crops,they are probably infested. I think once the fifteen days is up from using b.t. I'm...
  13. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    Bummer! Are they hard to see? The two I found were pretty easy to see.
  14. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    They were pretty big.I mean found them easily.ate they normally hard ro see(the catapillars)
  15. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    So update...found two catapillars on my problem child. Bought Monterey B.t that I'm going to apply once the sun is down..The brown things I was talking about are catapillar poop.
  16. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    So helpful !thank you.I havent posted pics with the brown things yet ...but you have been a great help!
  17. Snowgreen421

    Wondering if i should harvest one of my plants.

    My texting from my phone....