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  1. lemondroptrichomes

    Curing Buds with Vanilla Bean or Dried Peach

    back in the Reggie bush days ;) I remember. There were a couple brands of flavor drops we’d use
  2. lemondroptrichomes

    Climate in the 21st Century

    Do you travel? Have you actually been to any of the places where open trash pits, black water, and total clear cutting occur? You just instantly pivoted to “the capitalists” and may not understand what I’m saying because you haven’t seen it. Must be comfortable and clean where you live. Local...
  3. lemondroptrichomes

    Climate in the 21st Century

    for sure the cobalt mines and everything else mined for things like the phones we all use - are mined often times by kids or slaves. At some point a level of self governance is necessary. I don’t discount the power of unelected bureaucrats pulling the world’s strings. But there are populations...
  4. lemondroptrichomes

    Climate in the 21st Century

    How do we realistically stop the third world from polluting and destroying? It seems inevitable. Will enough countries make it to a level of perfect harmony before the rest irreversibly alter the ecosystems of land and sea? I reflect on this often as I travel frequently and it’s so common to...
  5. lemondroptrichomes

    Biden is clever enough to still be running circles around the world dictators' attempts to trigger world war 3.

    nothing wrong with a bless you or my favorite “bless your heart” Come to Jesus is one I haven’t really used in passing though :lol:
  6. lemondroptrichomes

    Biden is clever enough to still be running circles around the world dictators' attempts to trigger world war 3.

    I mean my first response was it reminds me of a south park episode lol. You have to admit it’s a little crass. I’m not particularly religious (or well - I don’t think the masculine monotheistic religions only a few thousand years old have all the answers) but imagine if someone said that to the...
  7. lemondroptrichomes

    Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

    Depends on who you ask. It seems people in the 30-70k income bracket are really struggling. credit card debt and delinquencies are at extreme highs and the cost of insurance, energy, and food has increased on average between 10-30% March-April-May of 2020 I made substantial contributions into...
  8. lemondroptrichomes


    I think you missed my point. My perception is reality comment was lending to years and years of either true OR fabricated scandal that people have been subjected to. Not every Trump scandal is real - it’s just not. But that doesn’t matter because each individual’s perception of Trump forms their...
  9. lemondroptrichomes


    I don’t need to dismiss the mueller report to not view Trump as a Russian asset. There are plenty of things to not like about how Trump carries himself/the things he’s said and done for me to not be a personal fan of him. He’s not a Russian asset, he was legitimately elected in 2016, and the...
  10. lemondroptrichomes


    If you’re going to interpret fight like hell as literal you have to interpret the rest as literal. Yet , fight like hell in the context of the speech, is less literal than "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your...
  11. lemondroptrichomes


    no it was not especially not stolen in a sense that voting machines were manipulated/humans interfered Can an unending years long news cycle presenting anything and everything Trump to be controversial/scandalous alter peoples opinions? Definitely. If Trump would have stuck to “social media...
  12. lemondroptrichomes


    I guess what I mean is I am emotionally detached and not enthusiastic about either candidate. I also focus more on markets and understand the reality is it’s extremely difficult for either party in power to effect what matters most. We have track record of both of them and the world didn’t end...
  13. lemondroptrichomes


    yes to this ^ it just gives the defense enough to challenge the character of Ms. Willis. the data indicates they were together late at night. I don’t have a dog in the fight it’s just not a good look. My using the work “may have” is being very gentle considering the cell data. ideally you’d...
  14. lemondroptrichomes


    Sorry district attorney*
  15. lemondroptrichomes


    it’s worth a read as it indicates judge Willis and Mr. Wade may have been dishonest in their testimonies last week though use of cell phone records. If she is dismissed any new prosecutor would have to start the case all over which is highly unlikely
  16. lemondroptrichomes

    Deep Ellum Seed co

    They’re legit. The NL they have is awesome. I think AKBB has an NL colab with them The platinum kush cross is real deal and in my circle
  17. lemondroptrichomes

    TRUMP CONVICTED I did not expect this. Especially after their testimony