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  1. S

    Top buds vs bottom buds (potency)

    Question on the top vs bottom bud harvest. Getting ready to harvest for my 1st grow. Do you people that do this cut entire top half of the plant stems or just pluck the buds ? I suppose the main cola will get cut but other than that how are you harvesting ? TIA
  2. S

    6" inline for 2x4?

    I currently have it setup as you describe, but unzipped the front door partially and put a box fan in front of the tent. Its the only way humidity goes down. (Thus the smell) My exhaust fan/filter isn't at full speed, its a little over 50% I really don't like running the dehumidifier...
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    I don't disagree with what your saying, but I wanted to grow one in a cup, but I used a soda bottle with a wick in it. Yes it will be small, that was my intended purpose. But, I want to see for myself what the buds will do. Leaves continued to produce once the fan leaves were trimmed off...
  4. S

    Auto starting to flower and it’s so small

    curious.... how old when it started to flower ? how old is it now? what strain ?
  5. S


    Just for reference. I removed the sun leaves from this little guy about a week ago
  6. S

    Yellowing leaves…help!

    got it! :D came back to post this helpful link I found on another forum that shows pictures of deficiencies. Curious2Garden is on it!
  7. S

    Yellowing leaves…help!

    Now I remember... THATS what caused me to use the Calmag, (yellowing started at the top) but it did help the entire plant. How do I give a thumbs up on these comments ? I cant find the button.
  8. S

    Yellowing leaves…help!

    Good looking plant! Have you tried Calmag ? I started watering with Calmag every watering and it cleared up in about 3 days. It was difficult for me to pin down yellowing leaves. I knew that leaves do turn yellow during flowering stage so its a normal plant process. There are a few...
  9. S

    6" inline for 2x4?

    Please post how you resolved. This is my first tent grow and I've been having the exact same issue. I'm almost positive my problem is a venting setup, but cant exhaust outside and didn't want the smell to get to nosey neighbors. I may have to say f'um
  10. S

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Thanks for the info! Interesting, After all the reading I did on these, I thought the purpose of the water reservoir was for the roots to seek out and grow into? similar to a hydro. So, then the soil stays moist from the 'cage' that is wicking up the water ?
  11. S

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    Lot of good info! question - I may have overlooked someplace within the 285 pages, approximately how long are the plants top watered until roots get down to the reservoir ?