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  1. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Update: A & E are looking decent, B & D were drooping (so I gave them a little drink) and C is still a lost cause. Temperature averaging 75 and humidity 51%. I'm slightly encouraged at their progress (for being right at 1 week old) as I feel like overall they are doing better than my prior runs...
  2. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Yeah, that wasn't very smart was it. One reason I did it was because at 25% they seemed to be stretching, plus I was taking advantage of the fact that more heat was generated. I have dialed it back. Nice looking kids you got there btw! Agreed, I am a bit anxious, but the reason is because the...
  3. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Update: Well, this comes sooner than I was expecting, but I'm already seeing possible issues. They are yellowing and showing their "veins" if that makes sense. I know yellowing is a very common symptom, but what could rob a seedling of it's health so quickly after germination? I'm fighting the...
  4. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Update: A-D are all on Day 2 from breaking soil, while E only broke yesterday. My temp is hovering around 78, give or take, trying to get it to average 80. Humidity is roughly 40% if I'm lucky. Misting daily. I will update again in a few days.
  5. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Hey guys, I wanted to stop and offer an update. Out of the 5 I planted, 4 have broke soil. I have some pictures and will provide more details in a later post. This is actually going to be more difficult to do than I realized. One thing that jimhendrix1 mentioned earlier on was the importance...
  6. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Thanks for the encouragement and warm welcome. I've been in a bit of a mental funk lately and am trying to shake it off. Luckily, I got quite a few freebie seeds with my last purchase so I'm practicing with those. Sucks to lose them, but its part of the process, breaking eggs and all that. I'm...
  7. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    No offense taken. I obviously don't know what I'm doing. Sounds like the only thing that has persisted in my grow all these years were my mistakes... I guess in my mind, given that the Light Warrior seemed to drain so well and they're in really small starter cups, and the fact that the pots get...
  8. T

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Hello fellow growers. I have lurked here for some time but have recently hit a roadblock and am in dire need of help. I do have a handful of successful runs, but that was when I was first getting started. It seems like the more experience I got, the worse grower I became. That's what it feels...