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  1. bighitter

    Stoned? How about you

    mmm just had that the other day except with bacon sausage ham and jalapenos
  2. bighitter

    purple leaves

    Any idea why my bagseed is turning purple on just the underside of the leaves? its only 5 days old
  3. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    we dried it for like 5 days and cured it for about a week and a half yeah it did start getting alot better smelling towards the end of its life
  4. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    smell- kind of like hay high- it was more of a head high taste- sweet and kind of fruit probably the best part of the weed overall i was pretty happy with it but i think i may have harvested too soon...
  5. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    bongsmiliemy husband and i smoked the last of the bud last night...cant wait to start the next grow!!
  6. bighitter

    kinda crappy but here we go. First grow

    looks good! see you did get more than 114 wet!
  7. bighitter

    Mr Goodstuff's midget freakshow

    damn your buds look so much more dense than mine the ones on the crappy thread too! haha
  8. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    so yeah i ended up with 26 grams dried and now i've got it curingbongsmilie
  9. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    thanks, its just bagseed
  10. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    yesterday it was 8 weeks into flower looked very close and today i was convinced it was time......... i weighed it before i hung it up and it weighed 114 grams so i cant wait to see its dry weight
  11. bighitter

    LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

    yeah it happens to me and i accidentally double post
  12. bighitter

    First Grow(pics)

    here is a pic someone requested with a bic light
  13. bighitter

    CFL Grow Help

    thanks man!!:peace:
  14. bighitter

    1st Try PC Grow. Lets see how it goes.

    hows it going neph?
  15. bighitter

    CFL Grow Help

    dont know yet its still going.. i just have one plant the link is in my signature if you want to take a look
  16. bighitter

    CFL Grow Help

    your grow cabinets size is just fine...its a lot bigger than mine and look how mine is turning out....
  17. bighitter

    CFL Grow Help

    i agree especially with CFls because they tend to make it hot if you have enough and you want a lot.. i'm using 6 23w for 1 should check my grow out its in my signature
  18. bighitter

    LST, How am I making out

    haha thanks! :blsmoke:
  19. bighitter

    1st grow

    as far as the pot size keep in mind the bigger the pot the bigger the plant..your pot looks about the size of mine i think it will probably be fine. and i use yarn for LST and cut slits in the sides of the pot and that way you can alway pull tighter it you need to or even loosen up very easily...
  20. bighitter

    LST, How am I making out

    hey you should check my thread out (in my signature) i did LST and it looks like you have a plastic pot so you could probably do the LST same as I did with just yarn and cut a slit in the pot and stuff the ends of the yarn in the slit and it keeps it tight