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  1. Philouza

    I know who robbed me...

    so you had 3 grand in cash and you just let people know you had it where you keep it? why?
  2. Philouza

    Kinda fucked!!

    ...never miss court and always pay your tickets.
  3. Philouza

    dog shit

    ...i never could understand why people like ta be a dick
  4. Philouza

    diego sanchez vs. bj penn

    YES! YES! YES!... id like dirty ta win but i think BJ is just goin ta take it.
  5. Philouza

    Great Stoner Quotes

    close only counts in horseshoes and mayonnaise.
  6. Philouza

    How do you delete your account/uploaded attatchments?
  7. Philouza

    How do I delete photo gallery photos?

    why not?:?::?::?::?:
  8. Philouza

    How do I delete photo gallery photos?

    i am also unable ta delete my attachments. nothing comes up with any options ta edit or delete them. ill PM a mod (is there a list of them somewhere? most forums have a link ta it on their home page. i cant seem ta be able ta find that either.) ta do this for me but i would still like ta know...
  9. Philouza

    so its ma missus's birthday today. is my unbirthday.
  10. Philouza

    Fuck You and your Whole Family

    ...grow up fag.
  11. Philouza

    Life Lessons

    knowin your weaknesses may be your biggest strength
  12. Philouza

    got busted

    i use a trap and let them go miles away from my house.
  13. Philouza

    Cleaning Bongs With Alcohol

    no it doesnt smell bad at all. i do change the water everytime i use it or at least once a day. my asktray of roach papers smells worse.
  14. Philouza

    Cleaning Bongs With Alcohol

    i never clean my bong. i think they hit smoother when they are well seasoned. i know most here wll prolly disagree.
  15. Philouza

    The cops are at my door

    stupid bitch shouldnt have answered the door. now ya have ta kill her and the pigs.
  16. Philouza

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    everyone on the interwebs is a guy. anyone that says they are a chick is a god damned liar... just my opinion.
  17. Philouza

    Spliff politics

    i have no friends. i always smoke alone. its nice.
  18. Philouza

    Is less light better?

    i dont know if i get this right... which would increase my yield more? double the amount of plants or double the amount of light? i would think the best way ta increase yield is ta add more plants than light.
  19. Philouza

    Anyone Wished They Got a 600w instead of a 400w?

    if you are able ta deal with the extra heat and cost of runnin it, id so go for it.
  20. Philouza

    Why Not Mirrors?

    im not sayin i know the answer but i dont think the light goin threw the glass does anything. the light first travels threw the glass of the bulb and most people have a cool tube and the light goes threw that with no problems. the only thing ive seen mentioned that swayed me away from mirrors...