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  1. driiifter

    3weeks into flower

    you could DEFINITELY do 10 plants with two 400s, you'd have the best coverage in that situation. as far as penetration, you wouldn't want to grow these guys very tall, in fact, with two 400s i wouldn't grow above 2 feet give or take, too much foliage, not enough penetration, less bud. fifteen...
  2. driiifter

    Can you recommend any plants that are under 16" at full maturity?

    look up a strand called lowrider. i hear it matures at 24 inches.
  3. driiifter

    sprout distance from 400w HPS light.

    at least 50 cm or 24 inches.
  4. driiifter

    How much light should new clones have?

    don't mist them with the dome off and just mist the dome when it becomes dry. keep the condensation effect.
  5. driiifter


    organic is the best soil and does taste better, but nothing tastes better than hydro/aero. yield really has nothing to do with the soil as long as the soil doesn't restrict the roots in any way. the more soil, the bigger the plant can become, however.
  6. driiifter

    How much light should new clones have?

    well first of all you want your clone dome isolated form your primary garden. under the dome, the clones are growing roots. to "return them to reality" you just remove the dome and put them in the atmosphere theyll be in under normal vegg circumstances. also when messing with clones, its...
  7. driiifter

    Any Suggestions

    250w is perfect for your space. i've got a 400 going in a 3x7 closet and i have 8 plants, most of them are 5 feet+. in fact, my power skunk got too tall and had to be topped. (8 is max capacity for how big the pots are, which is the only thing that allowed them to grow so tall.) the coverage...
  8. driiifter

    How much light should new clones have?

    a flores bulb is PERFECT for baby clones. you want it within 12 inches. i kept clones up with 0 nutes for months using a good flores. the most important thing about cloning, however, are the roots. you want to keep the plant humid as possible, like mini rainforest. if you have a heat pad, for...
  9. driiifter

    is RO water top of the line supply without ph?

    yeah, you'll definitely need some type of ph+/- sometime down the road. ec/ppm meter too if you do hydro.
  10. driiifter

    what get s you the most yeild

    lightning is really just the first step to a huge yield. most importantly, you want the best coverage per square foot and the best penetration. if the light isn't strong enough to penetrate all of the foliage, your yield will be less, regardless of the type of light. but yeah, like this man...
  11. driiifter

    is RO water top of the line supply without ph?

    i've been using RO water and in my experience it tends to make the soil slightly more base as times goes on. it always measured from 6-7 normally. other than that having fantastic results with my first crop. yield isn't too crazy but the potency is excellent!!
  12. driiifter

    APT GROW Related to electric thread

    for 15 plants, two 400w would do it. but for 20+, i think two 600w would give you more bang for your buck. double the penetration power of a 400w and good coverage, while remaining relatively cheaper on consumption. two 400w HID probably run the bill up an extra 15-20$ depending on where you...
  13. driiifter

    closet growing conditions?

    your biggest concern growing out of the closet is ventilation. a lot of fresh air is necessary for good bud production. i suggest an intake-outake flow method. probably easier to suck the air out then push fresh air in. make sure the closet is clean and disinfected.
  14. driiifter

    Flowering time

    the only real way to tell if a plant is truly mature is by observing the THC trichomes under a magnifying glass. if they have mushroom heads they are most likely ready to be harvested. bongsmilie
  15. driiifter

    New Babies

    first of all, you don't feed plants until they're over 4 weeks old. only water until they break 4 weeks. second off, 15 ml per 2 litres is WAY TOO MUCH nutrient. no wonder they died shortly after, you lethal injected them. try 1.5ml per 3 litres of water. in the NPK value you want nitrogen...
  16. driiifter

    What am I doing wrong?

    that plant looks like it needs nutes. need a lot more CFLs closer to it, also. CFLs can be within inches of the plant. daylight and coolbulbs are effective because of blue spectrum light. balanced PH also. good luck!
  17. driiifter

    Female Parts in veg?

    keep on 18-6 for mothers. 24 hours of light is smothering and hermy.
  18. driiifter

    just got new 400-watt hps. distance?

    correct. HID = 50 cm between light and plant
  19. driiifter

    Droopy Plants

    yes, it mostly depends on your medium, grow temperatures, etc. if your soil dries quickly after one watering period or if it is fairly dry by the next day, then it is probably safe to shoot in the ballpark of 150-250ml per watering of each plant, then dry spell. how much soil are you working...
  20. driiifter

    Plant Problems (Age unknown)

    1 ml of nute per 3 litre or close to a gallon is adequate. you can feed them nute, nute, nute, nute, cycles, then flush. ill assume you meant 8.0-2.0-6.0. those are perfect numbers. plant tonic might help you. they sell it at local nurserys. 0.25 ml of it mixed in with your feed would only help.