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  1. payton420

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    And take into consideration whats best of you is no way shape or form saying that its the best for another grower, everybody in this site has different restrictions, strains, type of grow,(topping, lst, fimiing, scrog, sog), grow space, so just cuz it works for you sdoesnt mean itll work for the...
  2. payton420

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    and the lastwood ive heard of pro growers gwetting around a gram per watt for you to say 2.8 grams oper watt is just ridiculous and i would love to see a detailed grow journal of that
  3. payton420

    Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

    i have used both hid lighting and cfls and theres benefits to both and then negativities to both, if u wanna say ones better then the other then ur completely one wayed and biased, not everyone has the room for hid lighting let alone the heat issue most hid systems have. if ur not a dumbass and...
  4. payton420

    Rooting / Cloning Gel

    the brand clonex i would recommend better then a powder rooting hormone, just get some clonex, the powders when u put them on they will seek through the soil when u water, gels work better cuz they stya where they need to per say, and i get 100% with clonex just a little more money.
  5. payton420

    Blue Himalaya Deisels For dummies from The dummy

    i see your using the stuff called rooting hormone , i lost my bottle of clonex gel and then got that but havent used it yet, ive used clonex w2ith 100% cloning resuults, how is that other powder rooting hormone?
  6. payton420

    first cab. cfl grow

    thats pretty cool, id rather just use rockwool and clonex hahah i got that done to a science haha
  7. payton420

    first cab. cfl grow

    what i use is just the fox farm ocean forrest and not even use nutes for the seedlings for three weeks or so, it is good stuff as far as root growth and root development is concerned
  8. payton420

    Stealth Dresser Grow - 1st Grow Attempt

    idk if this is a issue but check your grow rooms for bugs , closely inspect all the leaves and the soil, on one of those pics looks like a bug got to one of the leafs , if its bugs find ur problem early so it doesnt get worse even fatal
  9. payton420

    Stealth Dresser Grow - 1st Grow Attempt

    what i use is fox farm ocean forest and fox farm grow big and big bloom, ff grow big is for vegging and big bloom and tiger bloom is u use tb are both for flowering. you used the big bloom for veg its not recommended, for veg u want something high in nitrogen and lower in phosphourus and to have...
  10. payton420

    Oswalds Official Journal

    yeah i really enjoy using the fox farm ocean forest and the fox farm grow big and big bloom , great combo strictly organic, and shark man the fox farm soil does goe down a bit when watered i mix mine using 35% perlite even though it already has soome perlite in it, seems to be working great...
  11. payton420

    plant growing too FAST~! HELP!

    thanks brown bear
  12. payton420

    Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

    yeah he definitely had a good setup, im currently in the progrees of making my own grow box from scratch already made one before but this ones a lil smaller 2 feet by 3 feet by 3.5 feet high. gunna be using a 200 watt cfl at the very top then many more 27 w cfls all around for even distributiuon...
  13. payton420

    Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

    definitely 2 250 watts crazy train fer sure, cuz youll have more grow space cuz ur plants will be able to get cvery close to the lights with proper ventilation, not to mention u wont have as much heat problems as ur would with a 150 hps
  14. payton420

    Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

    ok fer sure i see what u were doing , i thought u were going to move em back into those plastic pots, fer sure man, looking good imma be following the seemore buds book and hopefully i get the same resaults got any questions hit me up man
  15. payton420

    Pelt's First Grow Box and Indoor Grow Journal

    so wait ur gunna transplant ur plants that are in their final home to something smaller just so u can put it in the veg box so it could fit,that dont make sense to me man id just leave them in their final home no reason to transplant at all and just6 put like one on two cfl on the plants outside...
  16. payton420

    plant growing too FAST~! HELP!

    hey bosson see this is ur first grow wanted to help with whatever i can, ur using compact flourescents so they key is trying to keep ur plants very short, cfls dont have that great of light penetration compared to hps or even a mh, what u should focus on is having smaller plants with the cfls...
  17. payton420

    Oswalds Official Journal

    nice harvey i just strated using fox farm ocean forest mixxed in with about 35% perlite have great drainage doesnt dry out to fast, theph of the soil is always between 6.5-6.8 which im diggin.once i get my journal set up i invite everyone come check it out,bid dawg welcome to rollitup man
  18. payton420

    first cab. cfl grow

    good job man hope it works out for yah, once i get my recent journey strated everyone should come check it out,ill keep u updated
  19. payton420

    How soon can I force flowering? What indicates a plant that is mature enough?

    thats a good lil technique jawbrodt but i just dont understand why u dont just low stress train the plants, its called low stress training cuz it puts little to no stress on the plant, ur method u have the possibility to break ur main growing tip, and with lst u have much more control of every...