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  1. welliopp

    wuZzuP nuB to riu.o ... all n any info welcome ")

    hey hey wuZzuP ") !!! gratuitous bud shots from all. overGrow ya government !!! ") I thought id put it out there that doin 1st inDr grow. Got 10 nice gurlz of various & unknown strains ... as in bottom of bag seed. In2 4th & 5th wks flowerin 4 all. lots of nuGz n colaz2 ")! would appreciate all...
  2. welliopp

    heya bro. overall nice lookin plant in my eyes. couple thoughts: do u know strain? possible nut...

    heya bro. overall nice lookin plant in my eyes. couple thoughts: do u know strain? possible nut o.d or water lack of? whats it grown in? no.2 grow looks ") all g! hows it doin now week so down line?
  3. welliopp

    purple stems

    WuzzuP!? longtime toka newB growr.Running 6hundy sonT in fitted gro lush. Got 12 strong plants.8 nVege 4 s'lings{keep in mind seed stock is'bottom of bag' stilo,no hist} was takin squiZ found interest as 3 have gentle purple through entire leaf system. plants seem totally fine.can environment...
  4. welliopp

    Whats Wrong W/ My Plants? Help! (Pics)

    hey bro.In my humble opinion, id cut dead wieght off of spindly s'lings so they can put wk in wre needed. use of fan air on them stimulates solid stem girth or u could just gently bend'em few times each per day. The fan works well in my experience on s'ling. The other looks good to me. I...