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  1. F

    elite members

    I want to check out the member only forum section
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    elite members

    Hi, I'm just wondering for those who are elite members, how long did it take to become one once you make the donation? Thanks and stay safe
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    Can I cool my reflector and vent my room on the same fan?

    This is exactly what I do with my reflector with a 6" vortex in a 25sq ft room works like a charm. And I don't even need a intake fan I just have passive intake. Hope that helps.
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    Tent Setups?

    I Don't have any pics but... I have a 5' by 5' by 6' tall tent made by Jardin, called the dark room 150 I think or something.. Currently running 1 600 HPS. 8 plant ebb and grow system with 30 gallon trash can as resi. I have the can right outside the tent. I run a carbon filter attached...
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    Carbon Filter in Reverse

    or its like taking the air intake for your car and clamping it to your muffler
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    General Questions

    ^RIP Hunter s. how should I go about changing soil..shake it off roots, I guess I forgot to mention that my plants are about month and a half old. In 8 inch pots.
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    General Questions

    I know it sucks thats why I'm asking questions on how to fix it, im going with differnt medium for sure next grow but for now I'm kinda stuck with what I got.
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    General Questions

    Hey all, first time grower and poster, so of course I have a few questions. I've spent the last week or two scanning all the boards and FAQ but I still have a few questions I still can't find answers to. So, if anyone out there can guide me in the right direction, thank you. 1. I'm using MG...