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  1. C

    help with nutes???

    bump bump!!!
  2. C

    help with nutes???

    ok, so i have ben havin problems with my ph. i have jungle growth professional mix soil. i am 3 weeks in of flowering, with 2 and half month veg. my problem is i have ben losing leaves left and right from the the bottom, workin its way towards the top. ive ben using tap water and im guessing...
  3. C

    Growing tips any one i really need sum

    go outside dude. those lights are doin nothin. your plants should be twice the size. put them in bigger pots, your roots hate you!!!
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    ugh... man I'm so lost

    is the ff 3 pack have the beastie bloomz, cha ching, and open sesame??
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    Attention All Experienced Apartment Growers: Need help/info

    you will not find high quality nutes at any local store. look in the phone book, or google your area for a hydroponics store. they are just about everywhere, you just gotta find em. good luck!
  6. C

    So I tried Shrooms the other night...

    i ate like 7 big ass caps... i was trippen balls. i didnt really hallucinate, i just started to think thinkin bout shit, and getting bad vibes. and my pupils were giant! good shit though!
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    Ready to Chop?.. Pics..

    wait 1 more week. then chop my brotha!
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    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    can i flower with a 250 watt mh, and some fluoros, and still get some nice buddz??
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    Can't do pitch black

    dam... ive been flowering for 2 weeks with some light coming through my closet. enough to where if i stand in there, i can see... am i too late!!?
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    First grow, How am I doing?

    awesome plant bro... grow on man!!!
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    flowering time + reps

    hey... i tried the 24/0 darkness period when swithcing to flowering, and now i have some nice nugs already, and im only 1 and half weeks in. it speeds up the transformation from veg to flower... just thought id add that if you are one of those impatient growers. happy growing!!
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    Florida Growers Thread

    palm bay here! happy growing(:
  13. C

    any guess at what strain this could be?

    looks like some cheese.
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    What soil to buy ????????????

    jungle growth at lowes is great! and very cheap... $6 for a giant bag!
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    Does a PC fan create enough suction through a homemade CO2 filter for effect

    great idea, but i dont think it will have much effect.
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    New closet setup, please comment!

    buy a halide (:
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    led street light.

    wish i could post pics. i just dropped my phone in the pool, and that was my source for photos, so sry erbody. and yea, i guess ima just throw it in with my cfl grow.
  18. C

    led street light.

    ok, so a few years back florida was hit back to back by like 4 hurricanes. rite after, i went for a drive to see all the damage, and i found a giant street signal, you kno the red yellow green kind. what do you think bout growing with em. they are giant. crazy bright! ive never used leds, always...
  19. C

    my new first grow box

    you need a few cfls. maybe a fan or two, and you do not HAVE to top your plant. take a look arounf the forum, u will find all the answers there. happy growin!