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    Veg inside, Bud outside in a greenhouse. S.D.

    how tall are they when you move them outside?
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    Aeroflo2 Nutrient Advice

    i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
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    Pump was off for ~12 hours

    i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
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    aeroflo spray lines?

    i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
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    Any geniuses here have a cheap alt for a pump failure alarm?

    i have a aeroflo 60 just ended my 3rd week. my lines are barely spraying and they have only been used for 3 weeks(baught new ones). havent had trouble with clogged lines before could my pump be going out? its only like 6 months old
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    Another Question about PH and water temps

    Keep water temps below 75 or problems will arise