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  1. I

    Reducing Flower Times

    plant goes into shock thinks its dying less daylight hours closer to death at least what i heard
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    First grow/expectations/ grow box/ 2x 1000 watt HPS

    usually you get 1g per watt so maybe 2lbs if you take the time and get it all dialed in
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    Strain advice!!!

    id go with big bud or look on the site next to the strain they should have the yeild
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    Clone To Flower??? +REP

    veg till you get one or two more shoots than you want
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    T5 or Metal halide/HPS

    mh/hps imo
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    Why is it smellier when the lights go out?

    they smell the most about an hour before lights come one and and for about an hour after they go off
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    yes can be done just put light schedule back to 18/6 or 24/0
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    I need help!

    go with at least 6 42w cfls and you'll be fine make sure you tighten up on the nutes though
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    HID for closet?

    its possible just have to have ventilation its well worth it thou but probably wont be able to flower and veg in there unless you throw in a cupboard but that may take up too much space
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    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    permit sounds good just means higher prices though
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    Where can i buy 2c-e?

    thats a real nice price
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    2c-b and 2c-i?

    i understand what you mean they come around my area every once in a while when i found out what was really in them thats what brought me to the rc world and now im lovin it :hug:
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    Pure White Cola - Yep

    your leaves are bleached raise the light up
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    Large Scale Grow

    take the deal youll love it later
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    CFL to HPS?

    more light only helps
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    Wtf??? bad X or wrong combo?

    probably bad pill now and days only a few have the real deal anymore most of them are only bullshit chems now
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    2c-b and 2c-i? heres a link with 2c-i and 5-meo in pills
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    wanna see some good molly?

    hmmm hmmm good how much was the 1/2 g
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    mephedrone? where did u go

    your really not missing much if you got molly people like it because its legal, cheap, with nice effects.
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    mephedrone? where did u go

    about $4000 a kg give or take prices may go up as china just made it illegal recently but purity of my last batch from monday are spot on point