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  1. S

    supernatural in soil questions +rep given

    man u have to do some leg work in this endevor ... read the bottles and then ask pepole specific questions .. im shure pepole her have used what u have .. nothing is for free u want us to work with ya hell work with us at least try to understand the directions .. for example goto the web site of...
  2. S

    Gypsy Nirvana / SCAM!

    geez yer a homo from the 5th century .. hes got alot of others over the years so sit back and shut yer freakin pie hole .. gypme is not to be trusted .. anyone remember the oxacana seeds give away .. i spent a bill and got jack .. and i wasnt the only one promise u that .. ss ..
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    Growing in a MAJOR CITY - in an APARTMENT complex

    lol .. if ya look at it as far as being in the u.s. .. its not an option .. to many unknows and drama driven peeps .. ss ..
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    Anyone know what caused this???

    get yer ph in chk dont worry about the cal mag u wont need that untill late flower with gh nutes .. get your ph between 5.2 and 5.8 .. and always take the reading from the plant buckets and not from the rez and adj accordingly .. been growing for 9 years and that leaf is from to high ph level...
  5. S

    Why the extreme lockdown for editing one's posts?

    serve it up hot .. peez brother .. ss ..
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    Nirvana Seed Shop

    now thats the first time ive seen then send large objects to send seeds .. they are a bunch of stand up pepole .. smitty
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    help! last living plant

    9 in at 4 weeks huh .. theres def a prob there , more iomportant is the ph .. ss ..
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    Nirvana Seed Shop

    all the bullshit asside .. nirvana has been the most consistent .. ive ordered and every time the strains and there variations were the same every time out of the last nine years ive been ordering them .. and the white widow is dynamite in the last two weeks .. frosty as hell u cant see any...
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    Why the extreme lockdown for editing one's posts?

    well benny u remember the old og days that was common place .. and icmag geez .. ill leave that one alone .. ss ..
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    hey there uncle ben .. been a while .. ahh i no whos pic (sig pic) that was from the old og days .. how the hell ya been benny .. :blsmoke: ss ..
  11. S

    help! last living plant

    more info is needed to give u the correct answer ph temps night and day ect .. :blsmoke: ss ..
  12. S

    Is anyone using htg supply grow tents?

    i just set a grow up for someone using those tents from htg supply with 0 probs .. two 1000w auto feed rez chiller ect .. if it gets that hot to out gass the pvc nothing would be growing in the tent and most likley it would burn down .. so i guess yer relatively safe with there tents .. ss ..
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    First time grower, need help setting up my grow tent

    oh yeh and air should always be extracted by a blower not inducted .. - presure in the tent .. ss ..
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    First time grower, need help setting up my grow tent

    just a dumb question here .. but didnt this tent come with instuctions .. every one ive seen did .. ss ..
  15. S

    Rez Help ASAP! Please!!!

    moles and trolls .. ss ..
  16. S

    Rez Help ASAP! Please!!!

    the texas pot system for one .. they sell it all over the internet .. dam dude do some leg work its not a secret .. whinning about it shure wont help .. this is what u need but u have to do the leg work to find who has it ...