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  1. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    its been about a week that theyve been growin theyre like 3" tall i got a clear container i can see the root on the bottom turning it already hit bottom
  2. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    theyre all right next to each other i didnt know what i was doin at first then after i planted them i started reading on how to grow
  3. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    da plants are like 3 inches tall
  4. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    i can transplant them at any time or do i have to wait til they get bigger
  5. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    thanx for tryin
  6. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    its a small container do i have to wait a certain time b4 transplanting theyve been growin for abiout a week
  7. $MoKeDouT

    new grower

    i planted about 5 plants in one container do u think they will grow all in one pot