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  1. madness


    Hey genusis, sorry for the late response. You say you never heard of this but it seems right? Please send me a link to the + program to better understand what you mean. Also, 15-18oz per plant? If yes, what system are you using and how tall are they before you chop? Please clarify for me...
  2. madness


    Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you are using Technaflora and how is it working out for you? Or what is the word on the street about them? Thanks!!
  3. madness


    Hey All, Ok, so I want to switch over to Advance Nutrients and well I talked to their tech guys and they told me a way of feeding I'd never heard before so I wanted to see if anyone has ever used or heard of this method. The guy said that I should dump the rez every week. Ok fine. When I used...
  4. madness

    Second Opinion Please.

    Better to ask than fuck up! Thanks guys!!
  5. madness

    Harvested Yesterday... Pics

    Thanks dude I love a sense of humor!!!!
  6. madness

    Second Opinion Please.

    As always, one tries something new. I never topped (or pinched) newly vegging clones. They are between 3 and 4 inches tall and I'd like to top them now. They've grown quite a bit and the roots are already 15" long. I'm thinking I can top them now, but I want to get a few opinions from you...
  7. madness

    Harvested Yesterday... Pics

    56 plants yielded 18.5oz
  8. madness

    clone in bad shape, will it make it?

    your welcome. she'll be fine
  9. madness

    Sunmaster or Eye Hortilux Bulb for Digital Ballast?

    I use a 600w Sunmaster with a digital ballast and it works great! Tested and approved for over a year (mine that is).
  10. madness

    clone in bad shape, will it make it?

    If it's got some good root growth, then it's doing well. You're right, it is taking care of it's root system. Once it's ready it will start growing out very nice.
  11. madness

    please help quick`

    How about an industrial extension cord. The orange ones are usually tough grade.
  12. madness

    clone in bad shape, will it make it?

    Give it some time to grow out. If it dies it will die. I wouldn't just give up on it myself, from what I am seeing.
  13. madness

    Harvested Yesterday... Pics

    It was only a prediction. Final dry weight was 18.5oz = 0.86g per watt.
  14. madness

    Harvested Yesterday... Pics

    Glad I brought you some inspiration. Happy growing!
  15. madness

    Harvested Yesterday... Pics

    I don't know anything about the ceramic metal halides but I will read up on it. As far as the stems not tough enough, that only happened when I veged them out to 12 inches then went into 12/12. They ended up 22-25 inches tall. That is when I had top heavy problems. Ending height of 12-14 inches...
  16. madness

    Hey brother, long time. What's new?

    Hey brother, long time. What's new?
  17. madness

    strain choice...HELP ?

    On the commercial side as you put it. I use BigBud... Great results and great smoke. Check out my post from my latest harvest:
  18. madness

    Can I salvage these clones? Pics included.

    I'd like to add to Buddreams's comment by saying that you should try to get perhaps a dome of some sort over your clones to give them as much humidity as possible. 100% humidity would be even better.
  19. madness

    still not sure: FLUSHIN QUESTION

    When I speak of a 2 week flush, it's without the use of Clearex or any other product. Just a clean water flush. The less chemicals I feel (and of course that's just my opinion) is a more natural way of doing it. Whatever technique one decides to adopt, the end result that we are searching for is...