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  1. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    To add to the list of possible causes, heat might really be an issue after all. I think the temperatures here have risen and even with the fan it's causing problems for my plant. Yesterday I put my finger 2-3 inches into the soil to check if it was dry and needed watering. Along with being bone...
  2. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    Yep, definitely agree with you there, just wouldn't think they'd lie about pH when that's something people can test so cheaply and easily. I could water with mineral water but I was told the other nutrients etc present in mineral water can build up in the soil causing burn etc. I've heard...
  3. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    Update: Any suggestions guys? I'm really lost and I think this plant is going to die if I don't do something in the next 24-48 hours. :(
  4. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    There were a lot of smaller lumps of soil at the end of the bag and I got lazy with breaking them up when I repotted, they slowly break up each time they're left to dry out completely after watering, and although its hard to see they've broken into smaller chunks in the second picture compared...
  5. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    I gave it some generic 5-3-7 nutes that I found at my local supermarket. I was told 5-3-7 will be good for weed during veg, and okay but not ideal during flower. The suggested amount on the bottle is either 16 or 17ml to 2-3 litres. I gave approximately 1ml (because the 16ml measurement is by...
  6. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    I don't water often. Other than watering them with nutes yesterday they hadn't had water in at least a week, I overwatered a lot when they were young so I learnt my lesson on that, now I only water when the soil is bone dry and often only when they actually start drooping a little when thirsty...
  7. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    The medium is some generic potting soil I bought rather cheaply, although I don't have a pH meter, if I remember right the soil said either 6.5 or 7 on the bag, and according to what I've read online my local water is exactly pH neutral at 7, though there is chlorine in it so I normally leave...
  8. J

    Yellowing leaves, spreading quickly - what can I do?

    Okay so two days ago some of the leaves on my one remaining (and extremely stunted) little plant started yellowing. I wasn't sure what it was, but it didn't seem bad so I left it. Yesterday it was a fair bit worse, so I took a picture and posted it on another forum. That's how it looked...
  9. J

    Novice Grower...Need Help With Seedlings

    1400 lumens means it's 20 actual watts, it's just equivalent to 100W incandescent. But a 20W CFL isn't a lot. Move the light a lot closer, and inch or two away from the plants, they'll stop stretching so much, just make sure there's some ventilation so they don't get too hot, and buy some more...
  10. J

    My 2C-E trip that ALMOST was

    I know this thread is a couple of weeks old now but I just wanted to post because I'm pretty sure I know why your 2C-E and 2C-T-2 didn't work. ^ The answer's there. When a country makes a substance illegal, they often crack down on the import/export, and on the businesses a while before they...
  11. J

    No leaves, probably dead ):

    Alright, it's been 4 days. There was some more rain, but not as bad as before, and yesterday was very hot and sunny all day. I can see no difference in the height of the stem, and leaves still haven't developed. Usually with new stems of plants, you see a pointed tip before leaves are produced...
  12. J

    No leaves, probably dead ):

    Just one plant. It's from Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix Cannabis Seeds - Strain is "The Church", and yeah, it's feminized. :)
  13. J

    No leaves, probably dead ):

    Yeah, I'm aware I planted quite late, though I plan for an early harvest, since this grow was more about experience rather than a big yield. If I get any bud at all I'll be very happy :) Thanks, I've been really worried. I'll keep you all updated on how it goes :)
  14. J

    No leaves, probably dead ):

    I live in the UK. We've had quite a bit of rain over the past two weeks, but it's expected to be sunny for most of the following week, so all's good. I'm going to let the soil dry out more between waterings as I believe the overwatering was the main problem. Thanks for the quick reply. So the...
  15. J

    No leaves, probably dead ):

    Alright, so this is my first time growing, that goes for all plants, not just MJ. I'm an utter novice, and already making lots of very basic mistakes. I germinated my seed in a damp paper towel in a glass, within a few days a root was visible, so I planted it outdoors. After a day or two I...
  16. J

    trippiest high?

    I'd advise to just try any pure sativa, bake some brownies, and away you go :)
  17. J

    gay plants

    I guess if you haven't got any females/hermies so you could make seeds, then the best thing to do is just take all the leaves and make hash. You won't get much from it, but since you're not getting any bud, it's the best you can do. The tiny amount of THC in it though might not be enough even...
  18. J

    First grow (outdoors)

    Alright, so I've just got the seed I ordered from It's a feminised seed, the strain is "The Church", and it is supposed to produce a nice yield of some really nice bud. I've done my research, read various stickies and guides on a million and one sites and...
  19. J

    i feel that new grower are exspecting too much from each grow

    That's why I'm just aiming to see my plant sprout. If it gets as far as flowering I'll be really happy.. And if it produces a fair bit, even happier :P
  20. J

    Hey from England :)

    Thanks for the welcomes :) The seed I ordered from just arrived, time to get germinating :P