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  1. HydroHog

    Paying for Seeds with Gift Credit Card

    This one looks promising....
  2. HydroHog

    Paying for Seeds with Gift Credit Card

    Thanks all for the great feedback!!
  3. HydroHog

    Paying for Seeds with Gift Credit Card

    You're much braver than me my friend. Nope, I'll mail travelers check before I'll make payment that can be traced back to me. However,I'm sure a Gift CC will work as long as I find one that can be used for International purchases.
  4. HydroHog

    Paying for Seeds with Gift Credit Card

    Hello All, Wanting to place an order with our friend Herbie and saw on FAQ list that they do accept Gift Card type credit cards but they had to be set up for international payments. Curious if anyone here has any experience with this and has ordered this way and what the best gift cards for...
  5. HydroHog

    Remember This 60 Minutes Interview?

    Tell me about it. You see how Grow refered to me as a neocon. LOL I flame liberal types from time to time when they deserve it. But that's really on different forums, this forum has a chill atmosphere compared to some, so I'll try to keep things flame-free as much as possible. I don't watch...
  6. HydroHog

    Remember This 60 Minutes Interview?

    Wow, I actually just came here for the cultivation education but I may have to stick around and post on politics as well. I know with Grow being here the place has gotta be a tough one for republican types. I do appreciate the welcome and for the record I'm not what's called a "Bushie" I am...
  7. HydroHog

    Remember This 60 Minutes Interview?

    Hello Grow, Good to see you here. HOG
  8. HydroHog

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    This thread is truly an inspiration. Bravo
  9. HydroHog


    Great Replies,:mrgreen: I just now came back to this thread and this is great info for someone that is considering options. I may be wrong about the bloombox price, It may be slightly less than that, but I'm convinced there are cheaper ways to go. Thanks for all the great info. HOG
  10. HydroHog


    This is a great Idea for a thread as I am considering purchasing options for such a system, I hear the Bloombox is the king of them all. A question for JonnyBlunt if I may..... What kind of yields do you get with that box of yours, if you don't mind me asking how many plants will it hold and...
  11. HydroHog

    Anyone ever use the Aquamist ???

    Hello Danny, Thanks for the reply, I appreciate the advice and the FAQ section is great, however I'm simply horrible when it comes to putting stuff like that together. I prefer a proven system and preferably with a instructional dvd. I have my grow room ready and have ordered some beans, just...
  12. HydroHog

    Anyone ever use the Aquamist ???

    I know a guy on a different board that swears by the aquamist, claims you can get 2 lbs every ten weeks with this unit. Anyone with personal experience or any ideas as to whether or not this would be a good investment please feel free to let me know. I'll check back on this thread in between...
  13. HydroHog

    before I spend the money on a new system

    Looks Beautiful. I'm gonna have to investigate further into that beauty. Seems like you get a lot for the $ HOG:hump:
  14. HydroHog

    Amazing Boards you have here

    That's a great link! Thanks. I'd love to get all the experts point me in the right direction for cultivation education. I'm particularly interested in Aeroponics. I think that's the way I'm gonna go once I get started. HOG :peace:
  15. HydroHog

    Aerogarden Day 16 From Seed

    The ladies look lovely, looks like aeroponics may be the way to go. HOG
  16. HydroHog

    Amazing Boards you have here

    Well coming from Marihemp this board is very impressive. Too much damn drama goes on there. I've read here the last couple weeks and notice theres never really many arguments. And my god the info very much in depth info which really helps guys like me who have never grown anything. But I'll...
  17. HydroHog

    Amazing Boards you have here

    Hello All, HOG Here. I stumbled upon these fine boards while doing some searching for Hydro Cultivation Tutorials. I feel lucky to have found this place. Will be growing before long and am trying to learn as much as possible. I wanted to say thanks to all that take the time to provide the...