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  1. spoyda mian

    Seed to Weed dro grow

    dumb ass mufkinslutnigshitttitnmyballcuntsackdickpussyassvaginaface.
  2. spoyda mian

    Spores on the way

    good luck on the shrooms. i'm growing some myself, they're about to start pinning:] happy tripping
  3. spoyda mian

    12/12 CFL Aerogarden 1st journal

    The aerogarden failed me and my friend.. it jus stopped pumping air. has this happened to anyone else?
  4. spoyda mian

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    some of the pictures in here are freakin amazing
  5. spoyda mian

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    there needs to be more people in the world that think like this.
  6. spoyda mian

    I want the cheapest way to do this

    My close friend got an HPS for around $90 and bought dirt and fertilizer for around $12. His plant turned out nice for a full 12/12 grow. I'll post pics tmrw if you want
  7. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    ima get better pics this weekend! so stay tuned and i'll keep everything posted! thanks everyone for the support once again!
  8. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    here's a new pic i got today. sorry for the waves, the new hps we got did that to the camera:/
  9. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    jus posted them. they look a whole lot better now, but like i said hopefully i'll get more pics tmrw. i'll keep this updated through harvest
  10. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    ---------------- Now playing on iTunes: Boards of Canada - Chromakey Dreamcoat via FoxyTunesyo pics ---------------- Now playing on iTunes: Boards of Canada - Chromakey Dreamcoat via FoxyTunes
  11. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    if anyone's still following this, thanks. me and my friend have had a terrifically perfect grow, and it's turning out amazing. he has jus built a new, taller, and roomier grow box, and installed a brand new hps light. i have pictures that are about 4 days old, but i plan to post more tmrw...
  12. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    damn. turns out two were male. i'll post pics tmrw
  13. spoyda mian

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    good job growing. keep it up. nice thick colas
  14. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    we've got master kush for the short one, jack herer for the skinnier one, and bubblegum for the other three.
  15. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    nah that won't happen yo he's cool and we're growing together. we're not telling anyone
  16. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    Here are the pictures 2 days into flowering.
  17. spoyda mian

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    Chad vangaalen. end of story check out hot red drops on youtube. :] happy smoking
  18. spoyda mian

    Wish me and my friend luck!

    Hey everyone! Me and my friend have started an indoor hydro grow with 5 plants, and i was posting this to hopefully get some positive replies wishing us luck with our grow. we're currently in the second day of flowering, and i'll post pics as soon as i can.. hopefully tmrw! thanks in advance...
  19. spoyda mian

    i'm a n00b, i need help..

    hey everyone, i'm kinda new to this whole outdoor thing.. i've grown several indoor plants and they went pretty well, but i've never grown outdoor and i have some questions. -i'm not too sure, but it seems like it's stretching.. someone once told me that it won't ever stretch under sunlight...
  20. spoyda mian

    outdoor grow help

    thanks alot:] happy toking