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  1. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I'm no purist, i just wanted my first frow to be without neuts so i could have something to measure against if i ever use them. the cfls were merely a cost thing as i couldnt afford any other lights at the time. as i'm new to growing i'm not familiar with the strains you've mentioned. i'm very...
  2. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i'm using a 125w cfl, seemed the right size for my wardrobe. i thought the buds were small too, but considering its my first grow i was glad to get anything. i had to harvert the hermie, it was no good for anything else. smoked it and it was so so. started harvesting the main plant (the...
  3. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Help guys, i think i have a hermie, can anyone confirm??? i'm seeing little balls at the bottom of the pistils on the flower, its only one plant that i had to put into flower too early (long story) and i'm just worried that it'll pollinate the other plant, which seems to be coming on ok. i've...
  4. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    dont think its the right time of year to start an outdoor grow, but i could be wrong?
  5. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Pardon my ignorance but i'm a nute noob! Whats that mean?
  6. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I have to put them both into flower at the same time, as i've only one light. so i have to wait till one plant catches up. i used a cutting from the top of one plant and the bottom of the other, but time will tell if they clone or not. any idea of yield from the plant on the right? what nutes...
  7. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Well lads, just checking back in. i'm worried abpit one of my plants. here are two pics, the first taken two months ago and the second this morning. the plant on the left is taking ages, now bear in mind this plant started two weeks or so after the one on the right (both in may!!) and the one on...
  8. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    wow, i've got a rabbit and he's a shit machine! thats something to think about...
  9. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    you wanted pics?
  10. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hey guys, i topped the church and popped it into some sowing/cutting compost and a bio peat cup and watered it, hopefully see some roots soon and i'll have a clone. also got rid of the first growth of big fan leaves and the secondary growth seems to be coming on well. if i'm right there seems to...
  11. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    cool, whats the best way to top? i cant use the light for veg, its a 125w 2700k red spectrum cfl, i got it for flowering its just 12/12 when vegging yeah?
  12. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Hey guys, just got my light today, so i got it set up in the wardrobe ready to go. heres a couple of pics. the first one is my 2 plants in the wardrobe. the left (big bud) is about a week or two behind the right (church). the second pic is the church, has she sexed yet? should i clone her soon...
  13. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    quick question, you dont need a ballast for a cfl bulb, correct? Damn headshops trying to sell me one with a cfl.
  14. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    well lads, some new pics myself, this is the church...and i think shes getting close to sexing...she smells lovely.! last pic is big bud, shes a few weeks behind the church. when should i clone???
  15. Bassmingo

    yellowing leaves going up my ladies

    I'm in the same boat, although my leaves arent as yellow. i'm not using any nutes and soil ph is about 6 or 7. all they get is water every 3 to 4 days and sunlight.
  16. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    that looks like its close to the rookies....or even on the same street.
  17. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    ah and buy the way heres a pic of the plant i posted yesterday. all i'm able to do is grow it in the window for now, which is why its bent over. its about 3-4 weeks old. i turn it every day. also a pic of my baby big bud, about a week old.
  18. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    try the vaporiser in rookies coffeeshop off leidseplien...its a lovely way to smoke. try some ak47 too, its been ages since i had any.
  19. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thats really bad, i've been really lucky round here. i buy from 2 or 3 guys and have never gotten weed as bad as you describe, never got "sprayed" weed either. sounds like you're buying from chancers.
  20. Bassmingo

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thanks mate, but like i said shes only being watered every 3 to 4 days....too much?