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    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Thanks man I was happy with what I got, It definitely tasted great and was worth every min. About the pots I think they would tend to get bigger, the roots are have more room to grow. And my light was probably about a 14in from the top of the ceiling at the end so you should be fine...

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Sorry I haven't updated lately I have been super busy. But just to let everyone know we have taken down 5 of the 6 girls and were getting 2 1/2 -3 1/2 Oz per plant , and still have one more girl to go. Well I am stoked about how it all turned out it's the fist grow back in In a long time...



    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Thanks man, I am hoping to get a good number that would be nice. Can't wait to taste it. Looks so good. Just a little longer!!! HA HA !!! Later

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    What up wonderblunder ! I have a 7x7 room, so you should be fine for the space your looking to cover. And for the pots yea 5 gallon pot's next time !! I only have a 7ft ceiling so im kinda limited, and I also wanted to be able to put some more girls in there a few weeks later. Got to...

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Well here are some new pic's getting close :-P And here are some pic's of the other girls that are in the bloom room. I also put up a pic of the girls that are going in next.. Later all.

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Well It looks like I only have a few weeks left till harvest. Ill have some new pic's up if anyone is still keeping up with the grow. well I hope everyone is doing well with there grows. Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    It is some sticky shit that's for sure. And about the watering I use nutrients once a week, and use just straight water every other day. And between weeks 3-7 I add 4tsp of molasses per gallon. I don't mix the nutrients and the molasses together though , I add the molasses when I use just...

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Hey what's up guy's here are those pictures!!! Have a good one Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Sorry guys, the camera was dead but now it's charged getting ready to put them up here in about 10 min... Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Sorry I haven't posted any new pic's. It's been a busy couple weeks, work and sisters wedding. Ill post some new pic's tonight. Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    That's for sure, Cant wait !!!! I have no clue what the strains I have. Thanks man got to love the crystals!!!!

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Thanks SnowWhite. Glad you stumbled my way!!! Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Here's some new pics. Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Let me get my camera !!!! Ill be back

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Seems like it only kills it off for a little bit, Then it just keeps coming back. So it's time to get something to fix this little problem!!! I would like to buy a sulfur burner, but I did some research on it and it's not recommended to use during the later stages of flowering. So I am going to...

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    What up SKandall? Yea mildew sucks!!!!! When you think you got rid of it, It fucking comes back. I don't have that much longer till harvest so hopefully I can keep it under control. Yea man you should start a thread and put up some pic's of your girls. Have a good one bro.. Peace

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    What up jonboy ? Thanks for the complement ive put a shit load of time in!!! Im going to say a good month and a half, I am only 38 days into flowering so I still have some time. They were in veg for almost two months so it's going on three months now, so all together about 4 1/2 to 5...

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Thanks bro I was looking into buying another fan till I can spring for the dehumidifier. Yea child support got me strapped.. LOL Peace

    out door grower needs help with lights

    Are they in pot's ? Or are they in the ground ? Be careful not to stress them out, you don't want to get hermies ! I would use a 400 watt HPS, but that's just me! Oh yea and no more Parties!!!!! Good luck man!!!! Peace