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  1. M

    About a month old from seed to current

    get yourself a 150 hps if only one plant and let that sucker explode
  2. M

    Ready for Flower?

    Hey gang, was just wondering if these babies are ready for possible flowering yet or if i should let them mature a bit more? Any help would be wonderful
  3. M

    Is this a good nute?

    Hey all has anyone ever used (Dynamite Premium plantfood) I was just wondering cause I have some and I'm going to have to start nuteing soon and I wanted to make sure it was good stuff.
  4. M

    Got some pics

    dang no one huh?
  5. M

    Got some pics

    Hey all got some pics of the plants finally,seed to soil i believe was june 23rd. Can anyone tell me if they are moving along the right path and if not how to help them out. Also how much longer should I veg them?
  6. M

    flowering when?

    How many nodes should there be for you to start flowering a plant? most of my babies are working on their 3rd set of 3 fingered fans (seed to soil around june 23rd) I'll be able to post some pics later on today when I get a camera.
  7. M

    Creating your own blue light

    I was wondering if anyone had used lighting gels or some form of color alteration when it comes to lighting. Im currently running a 150 HPS and was thinking of getting a blue lighting gell and keeping it far enough away from the light (however the heat isnt that bad) to turn it into blue light...
  8. M

    150w HPS for my 8x8 closet.What do I need to be ready for?

    Im using the 150 HPS sun system and im not getting much heat at all, however i'm also not using a closet.
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    Hey gang, what does it mean when my seedlings leaves have the vein running through the middle of the leaves turned white? The rest of the leaves and plants look healthy, just wondering why the white vein in the middle...
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    How high should I keep my light

    Thanks you guys, yes they are seedings about 6 inches and not two weeks in from seed to soil
  11. M

    How high should I keep my light

    Hey gang, I have a Sun System HPS 150 and I was wondering how far away from the tops of my plants I should keep the light from. Also I had read somewhere that you can use MH bulbs in a HPS system, if so what MH bulb do you recomend for the HPS 150?
  12. M

    Need help with height control

    Hey gang, I'm a new grower and i have 10 plants currently started. They are all seedlings roughly 1-3 inches in height with only their first set of leaves. As of now they are grown indoors only using sunlight as I have yet to get a light that was purchased due to some postal screw ups. I was...