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  1. ronin673


    Wow...amazing how low people will go. He's Black! He ain't one of us! He's Kenyan! He ain't one of us! He's Democrat! He ain't one of us! He's Liberal! He ain't one of us! He admits to smoking weed and believes in decriminalization....he is one of us.
  2. ronin673

    THCofgreen OUTDOOR GROW 09 30+ FEMALES

    I'm looking for a site to grow in now. Hard to choose, so much open space.
  3. ronin673

    THCofgreen OUTDOOR GROW 09 30+ FEMALES

    I hear beer works really well on the slugs. Just half bury a few cups about 4 feet away in a perimeter around the grow. Fill them 3/4 of the way with beer and the greedy f'ers fall in and drown! love it
  4. ronin673

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

  5. ronin673

    What light cycle ?

    lol! You guys are brutal. But I get it.
  6. ronin673

    Here's my Girl!

    Actually is a Soil less mix with a little too much pearlite. after every watering the stuff floated to the top. Live and learn I guess. My next grow will be better! The plant is now 2.5ft tall so I need to force flowering on her since she is already taller than the tomato plants that were...
  7. ronin673

    Here's my Girl!

    I wish!. Friend came by with a bag of seeds from multiple sources. I planted 6, 2 took. That's all! Just happened to be a female. But she does like it out doors! Thanks for commenting!:weed:
  8. ronin673

    Here's my Girl!

    Sorry for the lousy posting job, I'm kinda new to this forum stuff. Is this plant stretching? 12-16 hours outdoors everyday so not sure what else to do. Started with M-Grow, dumped that stuff in the trash soon after. Went with EcoGrow and Raisin Water. So far so good, yes? Any help would be...
  9. ronin673

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thanks UB, I was not attempting to ape any posted info, just asking for clarification. By the way, Raisins are Alkaline FWIW :)
  10. ronin673

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    What does a toddler have to do to get a question answered around here?
  11. ronin673

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey Ronin here. Great site, looking forward to increasing my know how!
  12. ronin673

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hey all, I'm wondering instead of diluted molasses for carbs, I would give my girls rasinwater. It's just 8 oz of purified water that has 2 small boxes of rasins that has been soaking in it. Food Value Minerals and Vitamins Moisture -...
  13. ronin673

    Lunshbox'a $31,000.00 Grow Room

    I just have a closet...
  14. ronin673

    How NOT to get busted?

    Damn, 3 plants?
  15. ronin673

    help with this plant

    Hey all! First grow, 2 plants. No idea of strain, just grabbed some seeds from some horrible smoke and threw them in some sprouting mix. Little tiny plants came up and stayed little until I came here and started reading! Bought some clay pellets, went the soiless mix route with the pellets as...
  16. ronin673

    The Shrub CFL Grow Box Journal

    Sorry for your loss! :(