Search results

  1. R

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Hi everyone, I'm from Colorado Springs and have been growing for personal use for 6 months or so.I was wondering what I would have to do to grow medically? I'm taking a growing class a a local dispesery(starts next week), but so far I haven't got much info from the place.I don't have a med...
  2. R

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    I smuggled some weed back from Jamica last spring.Funny shit was I had no idea I had It till i got home.People sell you weed every where and i guess i stuck one of the many ozes and ill bags i 'd pick up here and there, in my back pocket and forgot about it.What a stupid fucker, huh? Funnest...
  3. R

    Switching lights

    I 'm sure this has been posted b4,but i can't seem to find what i'm looking for, so bear with me.I'm running a 400hps durning the day time and the temp is just getting way to hot, 95F. At night the temp drops to about 75(dark period).I've been flowering for 10days, on at 8am, off at 8pm and i...