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  1. G

    Wash bugs off of buds?

    I've never water cured but I am pretty sure buds are dried before they are cured. Give it a test run with a few infested buds by soaking them for a while like you said. Be sure to shake off excess water afterwards to prevent mold and keep them isolated away from infected area and inspect them...
  2. G

    My ladies won't fully mature

    My ladies don't want to finish. I'm in southwestern Ontario Canada where the weather has taken a turn for the worst. It's gotten down to the 30's and it's raining alot and I am not getting any direct sunlight anymore. I've built a miniature greenhouse to get around the rain and frost issues...
  3. G

    Big Blue = Northern Lights #5 X Blueberry?!?!?

    Hello everyone, Here are some pics of my Dr.Atomic's NL#5xBlueberry ladies growing in the great outdoors. These beauties are in their 4th week of flowering and look to be coming along quite well. First attempt at growing this strain outdoors so far all seems good. The last picture is of a...