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  1. tokinchef


    i'll get right on that...
  2. tokinchef


    just took my first bong hit in over a year... i am so ripped:clap::leaf::weed:
  3. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    Out of the plants I started in flower.. I only got 2 males... thank goodness... I went to check on them and over nites tiny grape nut things formed where the females are growing sry firs tme growingim just really excited im actually gtting stuff... here are a couple pix i took...
  4. tokinchef

    Interesting Pictures...

    wow... thats cool as hell man... btw that flavor of fuse is the shit...
  5. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    hey ya'll bump bump
  6. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    ok...update time. Most of my plants in the grow room area now have started forming buds...yay!!! I switched the lights in my pc grow cab from daylight bulbs to soft white... A moajority of the plants in the grow room are females the rest.... i still cant tell yet.... lets hope they are...
  7. tokinchef

    pretty good...U?

    pretty good...U?
  8. tokinchef

    All Midwest/Hoosiers..what's up??

    wuts up man....fellow hoosier as well....
  9. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    im using nutes... once i see signs of buds i'll switch to some blooming nutes....
  10. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    I think a week in 12/12... Yes fan on 24/7...
  11. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    I have them on 12/12... I have on on them a lip bit... I turned it off to feed and to take the pics... I had a bit of a problem from a bug killer I used... I think I went a LOL heavy ion one of the plants but I trimmed the yellowing off and they are doing fine
  12. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    Bump bump bump
  13. tokinchef

    Recipe Contest

    I entered
  14. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    I got home today from a trip outta town this weekend... my plants are looking good... also I have been working on a pc cabinet... what do ya'll think?
  15. tokinchef

    Found a new website

    Well i found it a while ago but I was on there earlier and noticed alot of stuff we ( DIY growers) could use... its happy huntin, peace and keep tokin
  16. tokinchef

    Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

    I am thinking i will get myself a new pipe as my birthday present!!!! just gotta find the time to go get
  17. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    I have some more cfl's the grow setup i am using now is just a temp deal til i can get the funds to build a new one....
  18. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    Input from wiser experienced growers is always helpful
  19. tokinchef

    My long awaited 1st grow... from bag seeds

    Here is an update on my babies.... I think they may of stretched a bit but hell idk...
  20. tokinchef


    looks good man