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  1. strainreview

    Why Is That When I Smoke My Mouth Gets Really Dry And Really Thirsty!!!

    LOL Drinking like a Camel, i feel you :clap:
  2. strainreview

    Why Is That When I Smoke My Mouth Gets Really Dry And Really Thirsty!!!

    i think its cotton mouth but i get really really thirsty i' am able to drink a gallon of water that's insane.
  3. strainreview

    Why Is That When I Smoke My Mouth Gets Really Dry And Really Thirsty!!!

    hey i got a question. Every time when i finish smoking, i get really dehydrated. I could finish at least a gallon of water. Anybody have any suggestions why this happens?
  4. strainreview

    What was your stash when you were young?

    What was your stash to hide your weed when you were young at home from your parents?:joint::joint::joint::joint: my stash used to be a stuffed animal i cut a hole in the back and i put all my bags in there! lol then i moved it to the inside of computer. so where or how did you hide you stash...
  5. strainreview

    what kind of strain is this?

    does anybody know what kind of strain this is. description:fruity smell Sorry the pics are blurry.:joint:
  6. strainreview

    Why I Smoke Weed!

    I smoke weed because i suffer from insomnia and i get depressed from having vitiligo.if you dont know what vitiligo is it is what Michael Jackson had of his skin. i really hate having it i take a hit and i forget all about it and i sleep like beauty and sleeping beauty lol. if there is anyone...
  7. strainreview

    What To Listen To When Getting High?}

    i listen to some bob maarley to some bone thugs. good music thatlll get me into the mood where i forget about eeryhing and just has you feel yourself.
  8. strainreview

    What Are The Chances Of Me Getting A Medical Card??

    hey there i have insomnia and i truly have been going through depression and anxiety i am 18 and don't know what to do. should i continue to buy my weed off of my dealer illegally or should i get a cannabis card?the thing is am i eligible and & do you think i would get the card?anybody with a...
  9. strainreview

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    I smoke weed because i suffer from insomnia and i get depressed from having vitiligo.if you dont know what vitiligo is it is what Michael Jackson had of his skin. i really hate having it i take a hit and i forget all about it and i sleep like beauty and sleeping beauty lol. if there is anyone...
  10. strainreview

    Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead!

    ok i love tallking about this topic. i believe that if the sheeples wake up and see how cruel the bad people are in this world the people behind the curtains. people who have opened there eyes conttinue to search and search to find more and more true. everyday people open their yes and see what...
  11. strainreview

    If Aliens Created Man, Who Created The Aliens?

    I believe to say that everything on earth has a reason for being. `not jus that but everyything here is made by god know we ask ourselves who made God wait!!i believe god is not human but all mighty creator of everthing. ok you can say i kind of dont make sense so the question is who made aliens...
  12. strainreview

    Blunt questions

    i agree with you very much!
  13. strainreview

    How do u get a medical card?

    i actually have asked myself that question. i am from san francisco california and want to get a club card but im 18 and not sure if i can or do i have to be 18?umm J.Ruhland what part of california are u from????
  14. strainreview

    Music Do You Like To Get High With?

    What Type Of Music Do You Like To Get High To?
  15. strainreview

    hey there do you know how to delete a post????

    hey there do you know how to delete a post????
  16. strainreview

    dnt know how to delete a post?sorry

    sorry wrong!
  17. strainreview

    oh ok thank you for the notice man!=]

    oh ok thank you for the notice man!=]
  18. strainreview

    Do I Have Insomnia & Would It Be Better If I smoke Weed?

    people also tell me that its because im a lil overweight and because i suffer a lil bit of depression!
  19. strainreview

    why am i going to get banned?

    why am i going to get banned?
  20. strainreview

    Do I Have Insomnia & Would It Be Better If I smoke Weed?

    Hey there im 18 and i think i suffer from insomnia. I have been having problems sleeping at nights and I Really want to know before i go to see a doctor if i do have insomnia?is it sever?. i just want to make a notice if i do. I know for sure the doctors are going to want to prescribe me with...