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  1. XpliciT

    Whats Your Pot Peeve?

    I HATE running out.. But what i hate more is when you do get a refill, then someone thats not a smoking buddy calls asking you if youll sell them some bud outta your bag.. im like your not special, go buy a bag from a dealer like the rest of us.. thats MY bud! lol.. I agree with alot of these...
  2. XpliciT

    Faith Healers get 16 months

    yah i think they should have got more time too... Me personally, i dont have any kids.. but damn straight if they were sick i would get them the medical attention asap.. Even if this was my religion, these people deserve to go to jail, they let not only their religion get the best of them, but...
  3. XpliciT

    problem with my dog can anyone help.+rep

    Maybe something happened to him while he was outside thats got him spooked out.. Or maybe he decided he likes it inside better.. lol. Dont you wish you could just call that cesar milano dude.. its freaky how well he knows dogs.
  4. XpliciT

    What is that?

    Very Good!! Had you all for a while tho :P the legs kinda gave it away huh? Fun game tho, im hooked
  5. XpliciT

    What is that?

    Nope you guys havent got it yet! here ill crop a little less off the original.. hint for ya..
  6. XpliciT

    What is that?

    Ok so first you need a picture editor, theres tons of them out there..I use Photoscape, i downloaded it for free im pretty sure. Anyways i go into it and click edit, browse and load your original image, click the crop tab, make sure its on crop freely. then click and hold to make a box around...
  7. XpliciT

    What is that?

    Hint! It gets you tipsy... let me know if you all give up :D
  8. XpliciT

    What is that?

    Hopefully this one isnt too easy :P
  9. XpliciT

    What is that?

    YESSS!! Lol.. umm more or less it came down to me being very stoned, staring at it for like an hour.. happened to look down at my shoes layin on the floor.. and ding! It came to me lol.. good one though! Ill find a pic and post a new one asap
  10. XpliciT

    What is that?

    The star from the DC logo???
  11. XpliciT

    I love smoking my bowl

    I feel ya on getting your alone stoned time in... Although company is always welcome with me lol.. Im glad there are other users who really appreciate what a bowl can do for you. Its def nice to kinda get away from it all and kinda be in your "high zone" and just chill :D
  12. XpliciT

    Veterans and Medical Cannabis

    Im also a vet... I need to move to cali and see what that special treatment is all about lol
  13. XpliciT

    The lottery... A mind F*KC? or hard earned TAXES????

    yah id agree that its definitely all about the Seriously though the lottery wouldnt be as big as it is without all the people that spend their hard earned money on a small chance to "win it big", or i think also that people kinda get addicted to the "high" i guess you could call...
  14. XpliciT

    The lottery... A mind F*KC? or hard earned TAXES???? check out this site, it explains the tax amounts that are taken out, although i dont think their math is right in the example, forgot some zeros, but theres some good info..
  15. XpliciT

    The lottery... A mind F*KC? or hard earned TAXES????

    IMO its definitely a mind fuck... Its all about investing a little time and money into something and coming out rich.. The american dream right? lol. While the state lottery is banking in on Powerball, scratch tickets, electronic card/slot machines in bars and casinos. Ive heard that the lottery...
  16. XpliciT

    Got followed by a cop last night.

    this happens to me all the time.. I live in a smaller city and the cops really have nothing better to do than harass people.. My car is pretty noticeable too, dark tinted windows.. Its impossible to tell what theyre thinking you know.. Maybe he thought that you waiting for him to pass then...
  17. XpliciT

    G-spot Bongs

    You always gotta wonder what happened to the package right? I wonder if its really "lost"... some asshole probably took it huh? But glad for you that everything is getting settled.. hopefully youll have your new bong soon. I feel your pain tho. Sometimes it seems like Murpheys law revolves...
  18. XpliciT

    There's an arrest warrant out for me..

    Congrats!! The first hit is like... unexplainable.. huh??
  19. XpliciT

    Puff, Puff, Pass?

    Puff puff pass is like the rule around here, i would consider it more of a common courtesy than anything. reminds me of my friends girl.. when she first started smokin with us she used to hit the blunt like she was never gonna get bud again.. lol.. the worst part was she would exhale the smoke...
  20. XpliciT

    i am a retard

    Is your name by chance Peter?? Peter Griffin??