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  1. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    learned lots from this thread, thanks guys. leaves began to form from outside of this ball, it turned into a new bud with female signs already showing. it is happening all over this plant now. am loving my first female grow, these plants are beautiful to watch grow and develop. i began forced...
  2. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    ok this is happening to another of my plants. i pulled one of these balls off and split it open, it was a solid mass of green, no indication of anything going on inside. not pulled yet, am watching very closely. pollen balls, do they form in clusters only? these are single balls with no sign...
  3. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    my first grow attempt yielded 3 males URGH. this one 6 females. taking NO chances, dumped it :) it is a perfect pollen sack all on its own, others were begining to appear elsewhere on plant, i am sure of it now.
  4. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    i pulled it, i think i got it in plenty of time before it did harm to my girls, thanks guys :)
  5. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    no clusters, does not look like any are forming, just this one ball. i took it away from my other 'girls' and will keep a watchful eye on it. thanks.
  6. S

    is this a hermaphrodite?

    What is this? Thanks for yuor help.
  7. S


    lol thanx guys
  8. S


    This prolly dirves you nuts from newbies... My 1st grow resulted in 3 males. Am finally over it :) My current grow resulted in 6 females. They are 20 - 24 inches tall and in first week of flowering. I am 99.9% sure I dumped males in plenty of time before they did anything to females...
  9. S

    Pic 3, is this one also a boy? :(

    dude, read threads again, 4th was .... nevermind, i'm chill :)
  10. S

    sorry guys, last one promise - another boy?

    did not know i could merge all 3 pics into one thread, sorry. what are chances of 3 out of 3 being boys? my luck sucks.
  11. S

    Pic 3, is this one also a boy? :(

    sorry, did not know i could do em all in one... thanks for pointing it out man.
  12. S

    3 outta 3 another boy? GRRRR

    what are chances of your first 3 to all be freakin boys? :cry:
  13. S

    Pic 1, is it a boy?

    omg, my luck sucks... one more pic to post, i think its another boy...
  14. S

    Pic 3, is this one also a boy? :(

    thats actually good to know, thanks.
  15. S

    Pic 2, is it a boy?

    ignore, soory, same as pic 3.
  16. S

    Pic 2, is it a boy?

  17. S

    Pic 1, is it a boy?

  18. S

    12/12 cycle screw up

    oh and thanks for answers!
  19. S

    12/12 cycle screw up

    they (3) are 3ft and 8 weeks old.