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  1. Huxley

    Is there anybody there?

    Thanks for the hello and that folks KaleoXxX..infected with the borg translates to constant battle with spider mites...
  2. Huxley

    How dry till ready for jars?

    I dry for 7-10 days and then paper bag for 5 days but I live in a mist wreated island and a 17th century damp draughty house. Just remember when you jar them to leave em open long enough each day for the first wee while. If in doubt paper bag em for 5..
  3. Huxley

    Grannie Grower

    webbing is a good sign of mite infestation. When harvesting plants hang them next to a living plant (of low importance) the mites should make a mass exodus to the living plants. Oh and a water cure can wash the rest out, 7 days does it carefully change the water every day . No odour or much...
  4. Huxley

    How important is a ventellation system anyway?

    Always good for plants if good ventilation but I went through a 2 year patch of leaving a cupboard open with two fans as I thought I was only staying a few months so didnt want to cut up the wall/door or anything. My humidity was a bucket of water and a fan when really hot and dry but too much...
  5. Huxley

    Where the chicks at?

    just a wee jovial ramble thats all. btw fairyweed I am also dyslexic but not high so can make jokes about spelling as my typing is sort of working at the mo. no offense meant or owt.
  6. Huxley

    Where the chicks at?

    no eyedear butt as yoo r tort spelling at skool I rekon sum folk loose the abilitee to spell later on either that or they are high? lol lucky folks.
  7. Huxley

    Is there anybody there?

    Hello I'm Hux a veteran of the ole HG420 who has been out of action through the big C (which maryjane helped me defeat:clap:). Been growing for many years now, learnt off my uncle and currently am growing a range of mendocino's plants such as citral and Jack. Hippie soil grow, make my own...
  8. Huxley

    Roll your joints with or without filter?

    roach put in before j is rolled so no extra work really. Stops the whole burnt lip debacle.
  9. Huxley

    In the oven

    well known urban legend from the sixties
  10. Huxley

    Help! Took a break, smoked... Anxiety...?

    It might be the strain, c99 tweaks me right out. Try a 5 minute break and take deep slow breaths. Stay away from the caffeine and if you can get some ginseng tea, that helps with the tweaks.
  11. Huxley

    Right Wing nutjobs show their asses at another townhall (Again).

    again with the lol. you lot should spark up and chill. Nowt wrong with gays bringing up kids as long as they can be good parents. welcome to the 21st century folks.