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  1. J

    7 week old, Venus FlyTrap

    Thanks, I moved the plants to about 21" away from the light which gives about 16k lumen. Hopefully they will start to come around. One other question. Wednesday will be 8 weeks from planting. When should I switch to 12/12 for flowering? I am hoping to have them harvested and dried/cured by mid...
  2. J

    7 week old, Venus FlyTrap

    about 32in from top of plant
  3. J

    7 week old, Venus FlyTrap

    It's a 150w HPS kit I got from HidHut
  4. J

    7 week old, Venus FlyTrap

    Seeds from Nirvana planted on 7/1 150w HPS on 18/6 timer schedule Roots Organics- Buddha Grow Nutrients Growing Medium is equal parts- moss, worm castings, and perlite Water is from tap but aerated with aquarium pump for 24 hours prior to use PH=7-7.1 Possible overwatering in the first...