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  1. farmer bill

    what is your favorite psychedelic drug combo?

    DMT while coming up on l. Closest thing to an 8 hour DMT trip.
  2. farmer bill

    My DMT trip

    I was at UGS6 too.
  3. farmer bill

    I Just Bought Mephedrone

    they are selling permits to certain chinese labs so they can still produce it
  4. farmer bill

    my first grow

    i ran into all sorts of problems as of late. when i did the 8 step remedy, i didnt cut off the old narly colored roots. i also didnt have the feeding tube conected. it kept looking sick and i couldnt figure out why. well after rehooking the feed tube, all is starting to go well again. new roots...
  5. farmer bill

    my first grow

    it looks like i spoke too soon. the day after my last post i woke up to see the leaves were wilting and looking generally unhealthy. i opened my bucket to take a peak inside and it smelt rank and the roots were all soggy. i belive this to be rootrot as i dont know what else it could be. so i di...
  6. farmer bill

    my first grow

    does anyone know what kind of harvest i can expect from 1 plant using 5 42w and 2 26w cfls?
  7. farmer bill

    my first grow

    alright my one plant is a female. theres little white hairs growing all over it. it also seems that now that the bigger plant isnt sucking up all the light, the one i got is thriving. its 3 weeks into flower today. only 6 weeks to go. i sure hope i dont run into anymore problems.
  8. farmer bill

    my first grow

    ok bad news. the biggest bushier plant turned out to be a male. i seen the sacs on it when i woke up and freaked. the little one is a confirmed lady and im hoping i can hit it with all my light and get some real growth the next couple days. the shitty part is i didnt top this one but i had...
  9. farmer bill

    my first grow

    these are pics at 1 week 4 days of flower.
  10. farmer bill

    my first grow

    this is a few at 5 days into flower.
  11. farmer bill

    my first grow

    yea i fell off for a bit, but heres the update. its the 2nd day of week 5 and its day 5 of flower. i havnt built that tent yet do to being broke as fuck. but i transplanted the 2 plants into a bucket i made that i seen roseman build so i could start new seeds in the sh system. ill update with...
  12. farmer bill

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    has anyone tried methylone? found a couple sites selling it and tried to do a little research. would like to hear some feedback from someone whos tried it. also, personnal preference, 2ci or 2ce? thanx
  13. farmer bill

    Lsd flashbacks?????

    i pulled that from hope it helps
  14. farmer bill

    Lsd flashbacks?????

    The incidence of flashbacks and Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) is notably interesting, and probably where this myth took root. However, scientists explain this as an outside event triggering the memory of the trip, a bit like what happens after a post traumatic stress...
  15. farmer bill

    making Lsd

    how come everytime someone gets on here to announce their attempt to create this we just talk down to them? we tell them theyre not smart enough and tell them they dont have the chemistry know-how. somebodys making it and i seriously doubt its all being made in a lab. i say if you want to try it...
  16. farmer bill

    my first grow

    i cant take credit for this because i seen someone else on here[cant remeber who] do it and i thought "wow, i can do that".
  17. farmer bill

    my first grow

    ok, its getting close to flower time so im gonna make a grow tent.
  18. farmer bill

    autoflower question

    so is it a 9-10 week plant or does it still take 13-16 weeks.